AberSU Signs Mental Health Pledge

On Tuesday 26th November, AberSU, alongside Aberystwyth University, will be signing the Time to Change Wales pledge, which puts an action plan together to eliminate stigma and discrimination around mental health.

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On Tuesday 26th November, AberSU, alongside Aberystwyth University, will be signing the Time to Change Wales pledge, which puts an action plan together to eliminate stigma and discrimination around mental health.

Over the last year, mental health has been a big focus in the Students’ Union, and is a topic which has been gaining significant attention over the past few years, both locally and nationally. Throughout last year, a lot of work has been carried out by the Union to raise awareness of the support available to students on campus, and gaps within the local services.

The Time To Change Wales pledges, backed by Gofal, Hafal and Mind Cymru, will be signed in the Students’ Union by Rebecca Davies, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Aberystwyth University) and Laura Dickens, Welfare Officer (Students’ Union).  

The University and Students’ Union will be signing their own individual pledges, but have worked in unison to complete these. Clear action points in the Students’ Union pledge include:

·         Looking to increase the number of non-alcohol focussed events

·         Inviting speakers to discuss mental health issues, open to all students and staff

·         Running a campus wide review on what problems are being experienced, and to see what services need improvement

·         Supporting the set-up, promotion and development of the Time To Change Wales student society

·         Run an anti-drugs campaign, including visible displaying of posters

·         Running de-stress campaigns around exam periods and essay deadlines

·         Working with the University Mental Health Advisor to promote the importance of self-care for students and staff

By signing the pledge, students will know that their Union and the University are willing to talk about mental health and are committed to ending stigma and discrimination. Furthermore, it will offer both institutions the opportunity to highlight and promote the services available to students. 


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