Opening Times


Opening Times

Opening times are subject to change due to training and annual leave. Students making specific journeys to access services are encouraged to call 01970 621700 or email ahead of travelling.

Term time usual hours:

Dydd | Day Derbynfa | Reception Cyfleoedd | Opportunities Llais | Voice Cyngor | Advice
Llun | Monday 10 - 3 10 - 4 10 - 4 10 - 4
Mawrth | Tuesday 10 - 2 10 - 4 10 - 4 10 - 4
Mercher | Wednesday 10 - 3 10 - 4 10 - 4 10 - 4
Iau | Thursday 10 - 3 10 - 4 10 - 4 10 - 4
Gwener | Friday 10 - 3 10 - 4 10 - 4 10 - 4
Sadwrn | Saturday Ar gau / Closed
Sul | Sunday