Alcohol & Drugs



Drug Misuse

Search Policy

When using the term Drugs in this policy we mean any substances regulated by the Misuse of Drugs Acts 1971 and any other drugs (including prescription drugs and solvents) being used for non-medical purposes. The use of Drugs also includes the use of “legal highs” or psychoactive drugs which are legal substances which have the effect of illegal drugs.

Employees who are under the influence of alcohol or Drugs at work present a health and safety risk to themselves and others. In addition, the Union may be held criminally liable if it knowingly allows or tolerates the misuse of controlled Drugs on Union premises. For this reason, the Union has adopted an alcohol and Drug abuse policy.

The Students’ Union recognises that some employees may have a complex relationship with alcohol and/or drugs and staff who need support can speak to their line Manager, the CEO or HR who will have a supportive approach and treat any discussion or action in the strictest of confidence.


The Union's policy is to forbid employees to consume alcohol during their working hours on the Union's premises without the permission of senior management.

If any employee is found to be under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs at work or is found consuming alcohol or Drugs on the Union’s premises during their working hours, that employee may face disciplinary action on the grounds of Gross Misconduct under the Staff/Officer Disciplinary Procedures.

The Students’ Union may suspend disciplinary action, where alcohol misuse is a factor, on condition that the employee follows a suitable course of action; Staff will have right to return to the same job after effective treatment or, where this is not advisable, to suitable alternative employment wherever possible.

Drug Misuse

The Union strictly forbids the possession, use or distribution of Drugs for nonmedical purposes on the Union's premises.

An employee who is prescribed Drugs by their doctor that may affect their ability to perform their duties should discuss the problem immediately with their line manager.

Where it is suspected that a breach of the prohibition on Drugs has taken place, or if it is suspected that an employee's work performance or conduct has been impaired through Drug abuse and the employee is employed in a job where there is a risk to the health and safety of the employee and/or others, or it is a safety critical activity, the Union reserves the right to require an employee to undergo a medical examination to determine the cause of the problem. A positive test for Drugs may be considered as Gross Misconduct.

Where any employee at such a request refuses to undergo a medical examination, such refusal may amount to Gross Misconduct in accordance with the Staff/Officer Disciplinary Procedure.

The Students’ Union may suspend disciplinary action, where drug misuse is a factor, on condition that the employee follows a suitable course of action; Staff will have right to return to the same job after effective treatment or, where this is not advisable, to suitable alternative employment wherever possible.

The Union reserves the right to search an employee or any of an employee's property held on the Union's premises at any time if the Union has reasonable grounds to believe that the prohibition on Drugs is being or has been infringed. The search will be carried out in accordance with the Union's search policy.

If an employee refuses to comply with these search procedures, such action may be treated as amounting to Gross Misconduct and will entitle the Union to trigger the Staff/Officer Disciplinary Procedures.

The Union reserves the right to inform the police of any suspicion it may have with regard to the use of Drugs by any of its employees on the Union's premises.

Search Policy

If it is necessary to search an employee, the Union will follow the following procedure. The Union reserves the right to search an employee or any of an employee's property held on Union premises at any time, if the Union has reasonable grounds to believe that it's alcohol and Drug abuse policy is being or has been infringed, or that an employee has committed a criminal offence. Where an employee is required to submit to a search, the following procedure will be used: 

  • The search will be conducted in a private room 
  • The employee may be accompanied by a colleague provided that the colleague is available without unreasonable delay
  • The search will be conducted by a senior manager or a member of University security and witnessed by a senior manager.  The employee may request that the persons conducting and witnessing the search is of the same sex as him/her 
  • An employee who unreasonably refuses to allow a search may be subject to the Staff/Officer Disciplinary Procedures 
  • Where an employee is found to be in possession of prohibited alcohol or Drugs or there is evidence to suggest that they have committed a criminal offence, they will be suspended on full pay pending a further investigation, which may result in disciplinary action including dismissal 
  • The Union reserves the right to inform the police of any suspicion if may have with regards to the use of Drugs or alcohol by any of its employees on Union premises and with regards to any other criminal offence.