Mental Health Policy



The World Health Organisation states that 'there is no health without mental health' and that good organisations implement mental health policies in order to benefit the health of employees and ensure productivity and success. We believe that the mental health and wellbeing of our staff is key to organisational success and sustainability. AberSU seeks to promote and support the mental health and wellbeing of all staff through workplace practices, and encourages staff to take responsibility for their own mental health and wellbeing.


AberSU will work to:

  • Build and maintain a workplace environment and culture that supports mental health and wellbeing and prevents discrimination (including bullying and harassment).
  •  Increase employee knowledge and awareness of mental health and wellbeing issues and behaviours.
  • Reduce stigma around depression and anxiety in the workplace
  • Facilitate employee’s active participation in a range of initiatives that support mental health and wellbeing.

All employees are encouraged to:

  • Understand this policy and seek clarification from management where required
  • Consider this policy while completing work-related duties and at any time while representing the Students’ Union
  • Support fellow workers in their awareness of this policy
  • Support and contribute to AberSU’s aim of providing a mentally healthy and supportive environment for all workers.

All employees have a responsibility to:

  • Take reasonable care of their own mental health and wellbeing, including physical health
  • Take reasonable care that their actions do not affect the health and safety of other people in the workplace.


Managers have a responsibility to:

  • Ensure that all workers are made aware of this policy
  • Actively support and contribute to the implementation of this policy, including its goals 
  • Manage the implementation and review of this policy.


What to do if you may be experiencing mental health problems: 

·         Talk to your line manager. It is important that they know about any problems you are experiencing in order that they can do their best to help.  

·         Your line manager will talk with you to consider if it is appropriate to refer you to possible sources of support and/or may recommend that you speak to your GP if you have not already done so.

·         If you consider that you need to be absent from work, the normal absence procedures due to sickness (contained within the staff handbook) will apply. 

·         If you are absent, your line manager will maintain appropriate contact with you in order to keep in touch and understand where they may need to make adjustments within the organisation, for example, reallocating your duties. Provisions like a phased return to work may also be discussed at such a meeting if you feel you are ready to return. 

·         If your GP signs you off sick for 'stress' or similar (i.e. after the first 7 days of sickness) we may require a note from your GP on your return to confirm that you are fit to work. 

·         On your return to work, as with any illness, HR will complete a return to work interview with you to discuss your return and how the Union can support you e.g. a phased return to work, an alteration to your duties where possible (if they are considered to be compounding the problem). 



The Union is an Equal Opportunities employer and, in line with the Equality Act 2010, will not discriminate against any applicant who discloses previous or current mental health problems.