All hours worked by Union employees will be considered as working hours. In accordance with the Working Time Regulations, this calculation will not include any time taken to travel to and from the staff member's home address to their place of work. If a member of staff needs to attend another location during the course of the working day, the time taken to travel to and from that location will be included within the hours worked that day.
On the rare occasion that a staff member is required to attend training or a meeting that necessitates their travelling there the night before, the time recorded on their timesheet will be agreed with their line manager in advance.
Staff members are considered to be working and ambassadors of the organisation when carrying out activities on behalf of Union. This includes training, meetings or performing functions at different locations. They will be expected to maintain a high level of professionalism on these occasions.
All staff wishing to claim mileage will be required to have appropriate business insurance in place for driving for work purposes. A record of this should be given to HR before driving a vehicle for work purposes. Mileage will be reimbursed to staff at the current HMRC Mileage Allowance Rate for work related travel e.g. to meetings. Staff should claim such mileage using the travel expenses claim form located on the shared drive and available from the Finance Department.
Public transport
A receipt/ticket should be attached to the travel expenses claim form in support of your claim i.e. bus, train, taxi, parking expenses, etc. Further details of the Travel and Subsistence Policy can be found on our Union shared drive.