Looking after your mental health

We know the news on the current Coronavirus (Covid-19) can feel overwhelming. You may feel worried about coming into contact with the virus.

Supporting those around you

While it is important that we look after ourselves there are a few ways in which all students can support each other during this period.

  • Share information from only official and reliable sources and not relying on rumour or gossip.
  • Checking in with those who may be more at risk during this time and offer to help if needed and appropriate.
  • If you are feeling well, not self isolating and not considered to be in a high risk group; support friends and family who may need supplies or medication dropping off. Always remembering to leave these outside the property.
  • Avoid panic buying and only buying what you need.

We’ve also produced a couple of checklists to support wellbeing and direct you to advice and support should you need it.


Self-care checklist during the Coronavirus outbreak:

  • Give yourself a set time to check the news and your social media each day.
  • Avoid reading ‘fake news’ on your news feed. Instead keep up to date via official pages such as Aberystwyth University, Public Health Wales and NHS.
  • If social media is making you feel anxious, considering turn it off or taking more time away.
  • Those with OCD and some types of anxiety might find it difficult to be constantly told to ‘wash your hands’. Remember the guidance is to wash your hands for 20 seconds and no longer.
  • Stay hydrated and eat healthily.
  • Remember activities like going for a walk or run are still allowed, as long as you keep in mind appropriate social distancing.
  • Consider ways to help others, whether it’s supporting a local business, or messaging other students to see how they are feeling; this can help promote positive wellbeing.


Self-care checklist if you have to self-isolate:

  • You can create Facebook or WhatsApp groups to keep in touch and support each other.
  • You can video call friends and loved ones for a chat.
  • You can read a book or catch-up on streaming services.
  • You can keep your space a calm zone
  • You can continue the activities you enjoy if you can. If you enjoy attending the gym try a home workout via an online video.
  • You can spend time sketching, drawing and doodling.
  • You can get fresh air by sitting in your garden (where available) or just opening a window.


If you need support remember there are a range of services able to help.

Other useful support links.

Keep up to date with the latest guidance.