What is an All-Student Vote?
An ‘All Student Vote’ is a ballot in which all members of Undeb Aberystwyth are entitled to cast a vote. In accordance with the Constitution, a quorum of 500 Members will be required to validate the All-Student Vote and simple majority of those members voting.
What is being voted on?
Trustee terms of office
Do you agree with the following change of maximum terms of office for external Trustees from two to three terms?
The constitution will change as follows:
60) External Trustees may serve a maximum of 3 terms which may either be consecutive or non-consecutive. A Trustee Board needs assessment must be conducted and considered by the Board of Trustees at the end of each External Trustee term before any consecutive terms are offered.
NOTE: The student vote regarding future officer roles has been postponed to allow for the clarification of role descriptions. The Board has met and agreed on a range of options for students to consider; however, additional time is required to ensure that these options are clearly presented before students are invited to select their preferred choices.
When is this taking place?
This will take place from Wednesday 11th December.