All Student Vote

What is an All-Student Vote?

An ‘All Student Vote’ is a ballot in which all members of Undeb Aberystwyth are entitled to cast a vote. In accordance with the Constitution, a quorum of 500 Members will be required to validate the All-Student Vote and simple majority of those members voting.


NOTE: The all-Student Vote, 12th - 20th December,  on changing the ‘maximum terms of office for external Trustees’, did not reach our required quoracy. Students will now have their opportunity to have their say on this issue at our Big Meeting on Monday 10th  March.

Update: Having your say on changes to our Full-Time Officer roles

NOTE: The student vote regarding future officer roles has been postponed to allow for the clarification of role descriptions. The Board has met and agreed on a range of options for students to consider; however, additional time is required to ensure that these options are clearly presented before students are invited to select their preferred choices.