

In 2024 we won a NUS Wales Recognition award for our Empower Aber Work!

#EmpowerAber is a campaign to inspire the women and gender non-conforming students of Aber to be the best they can be in sports, societies & academic life.

This year we have moved the campaign to run throughout March to tie into Women’s History Month, the theme this year is ‘Women who advocate for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.

During #EmpowerAber month, we are encouraging the Aber student community to try new things and get out of their comfort zone, be that through trying a new sport or partaking in society/academic activities that they feel might be something they could get behind.

We are running this campaign for Aberystwyth students to show them that their fear of judgement should not hold them back from taking part in any activity. As well as this we believe that there should be an equal platform for women and gender non-conforming students in all sectors of work and leisure activities.

We have created this campaign as we want to highlight other areas where there is a disparity between the numbers of men, women and those who are gender non-conforming present, such as owning and managing businesses or entering into the STEM industry.

We hope that the month will be encouraging and empowering for students across the university and show that women and gender-diverse students are all welcome in these environments and should not be put off. Keep an eye out on our website and social media channels closer to the time to see our calendar of events and opportunities for the week!


2024 Throwback 



When: The whole of March 2025

Timetable TBC


To register an event you are wishing to host, please contact your Opportunities Officer, Tiff on suopportunities@aber.ac.uk for any club or society related activites or your Academic Affairs Officer, Anna on suacademic@aber.ac.uk for any academic related activities.


To find out more:


Student Opportunities

Tiff McWilliams


Student Wellbeing 

Emily (Mo) Morgan
