That’s a Rubbish Campaign is set out to try and resolve the problem, ‘Aberystwyth is being destroyed by improper use of waste disposal’. Our aim to resolve this is, ‘To improve proper waste education and resources for students in Aberystwyth'. We aim to do this by:
- Having clearly defined bins around campus with what goes in which bin.
- Encouragement of recycling and rubbish bin use during large Union events.
- Create educational resources for students with updates on law changes.
- Work alongside the University and local Council.

"At its heart are the 17 SDGs, which are an urgent call for action by all coutnries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. They recognise that ending povery and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth - all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests." - United Nations

Conscious recycling and using bins correctly relates to 11, 12 and 14 of the Sustainable development goals.
Check out more about how rubbish and recyling relates to the SDG's here. (This document is only in English, we appologies for any inconvience)
So, Why Recycle?
Support |
Support the Welsh Goverment's and Aberywtyth Universities journey to Net Zero. |
Improve |
Improve waste reclability and recovery rates. |
Reduce |
Reduce the environmental impact of the university and union and meet sustainability targets and reduce collective costs. |
Boost |
Boost recyling rates and reduce waste managmenet costs. |
There are some great reasons to recyle. check out what happens when you recycle!
Law Changes in Wales
From 6 April 2024, it will become law for all businesses, charities and public sector organisations to sort their waste for recycling.
It also applies to all waste and recycling collectors and processors who manage household-like waste from workplaces.
The Welsh Government is introducing this law to improve the quality and quantity of how we collect and separate waste.
Check out the new bins across campus! Watch our Video here

“Our society is using more packaging than ever and a much higher proportion of that is now plastic. Alongside encouraging producers to keep this to an absolute minimum, we all have to do our bit by putting it in the right place after use, otherwise things can get messy pretty quickly out there. In most cases that means recycling.
“Students form a big part of the population of Aberystwyth. So they can make a big difference to how the place looks. Ceredigion is one of the top recycling counties in Wales, which in turn is the top recycling nation in the UK. So let’s all make good use of the recycling and food waste collections provided by the council, and all the other recycling facilities available, and keep Aberystwyth a green and healthy place.”
'Alun Williams: Local County Councillor'
Ceredigion Council Helpful Information
The following materials will need to be separated for collection, and collected separately?
Check out our handy guide to what goes into which bin
Why the law is changing?
To improve the quality and quantity of recycling from workplaces. This is an important step towards reaching zero waste, reducing our carbon emissions and tackling the climate emergency.
To keep materials in use for as long as possible. With the costs of materials rising, keeping high quality materials in use will help our economy and support our supply chains. For example, by avoiding landfill tax and creating job opportunities.
We are already the best in the UK for domestic recycling and third best in the world.
The new law supports the actions from our circular economy strategy, Beyond recycling.
Who the law applies to:
All businesses, charities and public sector organisations will need to separate their waste.
Check out an AberForward's report on rubbish and recyling in Ceredigion and the UK.
Check out our videos on TikTok!
The Big Plastic Count
The Big Plastic Count: 11th-17th March
Submission Deadline: 31st March 2024
Results Published: April 2024
Your How-To Guide
(Lets count sheet included)
How to take part
1. Between 11-17 MARCH 2024, tally the plastic you use on the Let’s Count Tally Sheet. This includes plastic that goes in the bin and in the recycling.
2. When you’re out and about during the week, record any plastic you use, like packaging from take-away lunches or service station snacks, then tally it up when you get back home.
3. At the end of the week, submit your results by 31 MARCH 2024 at:
Submit here
Check out some photos from this years Beach Cleans.
Keep an eye out on our Volunteer Action Days to get involved next time
Keep an eye out during our events this year for these posters! Please keep Aberystwyth clean and help protect our beautiful natural environment by being responsible for your rubbish disposal.
During the academic year of 2023-2024, the Students Union interviewed the local council, asking some questions about why it is important to recyle and what happens once our rubbish has been taken away.
This is a Billingual Interview.
If you’d like to get involved or find out more email ...