International Women’s Day


Every March we celebrate Womens History Month with International Women's Day being held on the 8th of March. We do this to honour all women and their contributions in history and celebrate them in the modern day.

Trigger warning: This page also mentiones Domestic Violence.

Reclaim the Night

We hold an annual Reclaim the Night March every year for International Womens Day. This is an empowering march but it is upsetting that this is something we still have to do.

Reclaim the Night is a movement that started in leeds in 1977 and is a march demanding that all women have the right to be able to move thoughout public spaces at night and feel safe. It has devleoped into fighting for the rights of saftey for all women and regonising the 1 in 3 figure.


Check out our Reclaim The Night photo from throughout the years. 

2024 2023 2022
2020 2019

Reclaim the Night photo gallery:

Check out our TikTok Video from 2024's Reclaim the Night. Watch here. 

Womens History Month is also about celebrating what all women have accomplshed throughout History and shining a light on key figures and the amazing community of women we have here in Aberystwyth.



We’ve used International Women's Day 2024 to highlight an incredible display of Welsh Women’s power by hosting a talk with Siân Howys and Mererid Hopwood to spread the world about the Welsh Women's Petition for Peace! We should be very proud of this international story where 390,000 women rallied for peace and took it across to the US to campaign for a warless world.


Undeb Aberystwyth Held a stall at the Bandstand for 2023 International Women’s Day. This stall had information about campaigns we were running as well as shining a light on the amazing women who work in Undeb Aberystwyth. We also showcased some of the banners students had made for Reclaim the Night marches from previous years.

During the day there was also an International Women’s Day tea party. We celebrated women’s achievements with cakes and tea and heard a feminist poem from Clare Foley and the amazing journey of our incredible CEO Trish McGrath.


White Ribbon Day 

White Ribbon Day, a day where men and boys pledge to raise awareness of and end violence against women and girls. The group formed 18 years ago and is a global movement, representing the conviction that abuse, no matter what form it takes, is unacceptable. Domestic violence incidents increase during large sports events. There was also an increase in domestic violence during COVID. Here at the Students’ Union, we pledge to challenge and call out any inappropriate language or behaviours so that our space can be as safe as possible.


The Union also puts on training to help break the silence of Violence against women, domestic abuse, and sexual violence. This training is run by Safer Streets and is open to all genders. It is for anyone wanting to stand up, speak out and act to prevent men’s violence against women.

To find out when the next training will be taking place, email your Wellbeing Officer at:

If you would like to be more involved in this work please reach out to

Want to find out more about these campaigns?

Ash Sturrock 

Campaigns and Democracy Coordinator  / 

Emily (Mo) Morgan
