There are 5 Full-time Officers who are elected and paid for one year outside of their studies to serve as the political leaders of Undeb Aberystwyth. Each have individual duties in their respective roles which they deliver based on their own manifesto pledges.
Together they are the voice of Aberystwyth students and are collectively responsible for promoting and defending the rights of students, campaigning on issues, promoting involvement in the Union and coordinating student Forums and groups.
As a Full-time Officer, you will also be an officer trustee and sit on the Board of Trustees as well as taking various seats in University management committees to speak on behalf of students to those groups. All elected officers will be provided with training, support and guidance to carry out the role and make their objectives a reality.
To quickly scan down to the role that you are most interested in feel free to click on one of the links below…
Welsh Culture Officer & UMCA President
Student Opportunities Officer
Academic Affairs Officer
Wellbeing Officer
The President is the public voice of the Students’ Union and Aberystwyth students. They work with the Full-time Officer team by regularly reviewing key student issues as well as representational and political campaigns in line with the needs of student at Aberystwyth University.
They are the lead representative for Aberystwyth University students, sitting on various senior committees and meeting with key individuals regularly to ensure a strong relationship between the Union, University and wider community. They are also responsible for ensuring the Union is represented on a national scale by acting as a main point of contact for NUS and NUS Wales.
As Chair of the Trustee Board they will work closely with the Union’s Chief Executive to ensure deliver of the Union’s strategic aims, that policies are adhered to and decisions are taken considering the values of its members. Finally, they are the public face of the Union issuing press statements, conducting interviews and responding to any complaints and feedback from members. The role is challenging, rewarding and no two days are the same.
The Welsh Culture Officer and UMCA President is the student voice for Welsh culture and Welsh language students in Aberystwyth. They ensure representation of Welsh culture and language at Aberystwyth University. They meet regularly with key individuals and relevant departments to further the needs of Welsh speakers and learners.
Coordinating a range of events, activities and campaigns they ensure the interests of Welsh speakers and learners are listened to and furthered. There is always plenty to do with role, whether its arranging Welsh lessons, campaigning, promoting the language or ensuring bilingualism policies are up to date.
As UMCA President you are expected to protect and campaign on the rights of Welsh language students and learners in the University as well as lead on many of the regular UMCA events held throughout the year, from Freshers Week to Nefi Blw Week.
The Student Opportunities Officer is the student voice for sports, societies and volunteering opportunities. They ensure representation of students on matters relating to sports, societies, volunteering and employability within the Union and University. They maintain regular contact with club and society committees whether in person, by email or by using social media to better understand students views and needs.
Working with staff they will help coordinate a range of events, activities and campaigns designed to increase involvement and ensure that there are thriving student-led activities in the Union. Some examples of these include chairing the Sports and Societies Forum, supporting Pre-Freshers Week, RAG Month, Varsity, Superteams and Aber 7’s.
Finally, they meet regularly with key individuals and relevant departments to further the development of clubs, societies, volunteering and student employability at Aberystwyth University.
The Academic Affairs Officer is the student voice for all things academic. They ensure representation of students on matters relating to academic affairs including the interests of international and postgraduate students as well as key topics such as widening participation, assessment and feedback or teaching and learning. They have regular contact with Academic and Institute Representatives whether in person, by email or by using social media to better understand students views and needs.
Working with staff they help coordinate a range of events, activities and campaigns designed to engage students in and improve their academic experience. Some examples of these include chairing the Academic Forum, reviewing Academic Rep Training, organising Undeb Aberystwyth Teaching Awards, searching for a University Challenge team and most importantly lobbying the University to change things that they think are important to students.
Finally, they have a role in the University’s management structures sitting on various committees and meeting with key individuals and relevant departments to further the academic experience.
The Wellbeing Officer is the voice for student wellbeing and liberation. They ensure representation on matters relating to student wellbeing including student support, welfare, equality and diversity. The role covers a wide range of topics including accommodation, financial support and both physical and mental health. They will build a network of regular contacts including Part-time Officers, societies and key contacts in the University and local community.
Working with staff they help coordinate a range of events, activities and campaigns designed to ensure students are supported during their studies while improving their wellbeing. Some examples of these include chairing the Wellbeing Forum, supporting the Union’s Housing Fair, representing the interests of students to various groups from the local Health Board to the National Assembly and most importantly lobbying the University to change things that they think are important to students.
Finally, they meet regularly with key individuals, relevant departments and community organisations to further the development of student wellbeing.