
Senedd is the highest decision making body at Undeb Aberystwyth, it is designed to represent all students, and sets what Undeb Aberystwyth believes in and works on. Debate is led by an elected student chairperson.

All students can submit ideas and speak at any Senedd. If an idea is passed through Senedd it becomes Union Policy for three years, forming part of our work.

Your Senedd Representatives (2024-2025)

Key Dates



Ideas Deadline Senedd Location                  Papers                     
04/10/2024 28/10/2024  Undeb Picturhouse   Agenda, Officer Report Minutes
08/11/2024 02/12/2024 Undeb Picturhouse   Agenda, Officer Report, (Draft) Minutes
28/03/2025 30/04/2025 Undeb Picturhouse    



What happens at meetings?

The Union Chairperson leads all debates during Senedd, including making sure meetings are kept to the required time limits, and that any debates stay on topic.

Senedd represents the voice of Aberystwyth students by setting policy of the Union as well as making, repealing and admending bye-laws of Undeb Aberystwyth jointly with the Undeb Aberystwyth Board of Trustees.

We are committed to ensuring equal access to all our students. If you have any queries relating to accessibility, or require any of the meeting documents in a specific format please let us know by emailing

Who gets to vote?

Voting members of Senedd include:

  • Senedd Chair
  • 5 Full Time Officers
  • 12 Volunteer Officers
  • 6 Faculty Officers
  • 2 UMCA Executive Members
  • 5 Representatives of Sports Clubs
  • 5 Representatives of Societies
  • 1 Representative of Volunteer Project
  • 2 Academic Representatives

For ideas to be passed through Senedd all meetings must reach a Quoracy of 50% +1 of all voting members.

What is an idea

An idea is simply a way for you to put forward what you think AberSU should believe or be working on. Once submitted you may well be asked to present it at the next Senedd meeting and if passed (unless otherwise stated by Trustee Board) it will become policy which the Union has to follow for the next three years. Once accepted, ideas for Senedd are published for all students to read and suggest amendments.

You can submit an idea or amendment using our online form.

Previous Meetings: 


Date: Papers:
Academic Year 2023-024 29/04/2024 Agenda, Officer Report,  Minutes
  04/12/2023 Agenda, (Draft) Minutes, Officer Report
  20/10/2023 Agenda, Minutes, Officer Report


Academic Year 2022/23 01/11 Officer Report: Minutes
05/12 Officer Report; Not Quarate
20/02 Minutes

Officer Report Minutes


Academic Year 2021/22 01/11 Minutes
06/12 Minutes
21/02 Minutes
28/03 Not Quorate


Academic Year 2020/21 19/04










Get in touch:

  Campaigns and Democracy Coordinator  / 


Previous Meetings:




Academic Year 2022/23 01/11 Minutes
05/12 -
20/02 -
24/04 -


Academic Year 2021/22 01/11 Minutes
06/12 Minutes
21/02 Minutes
28/03 Not Quorate


Academic Year 2020/21 19/04










Get in touch:

  Campaigns and Democracy Coordinator