International Students Helpful Information


Created by your International Officer 2023-24, here are some helpful tips for living and travelling to Aber.

Getting a Guarantor

If you are looking at private housing, you will most likely need a Guarantor. As an international student it can be hard, especially if you do not have any family or friends in the UK who are willing. A guarantor is someone who will pay your rent if you are ineligible. The University will not be a guarantor. On occasion they will provide a letter informing the reader that you have paid your bills. If you are sharing housing with friends, they may only need one guarantor, or it may not hurt to ask your friends if their family could be your guarantor as well. However, some individuals will not be very willing. I would recommend explain your situation being an international student, along with provide proof them that you will not need their services.

  • Ask your Landlord

Explain to your landlord that you are international student and ask if your family in your home country your guarantor could be. They may say no, but asking will not work. Or ask them if a letter from the University stating that you have paid your tuition is substantial.

  • Third Party Guarantor

Now, if your landlord insists that you need a UK guarantor, the next best option is to get a third-party guarantor. This is an organization you pay to be your guarantor. Prices and officers vary, I would recommend doing some online shopping and see which organization works the best for your needs. This is the best option if you think you may not be able to make your rent, however, given that. You will also need to pay which could contribute to your financial struggles.

The whole process can be stressful, I would recommend reaching out to the wellbeing team or international office if you find yourself in this position and need more specific help with your situation.

I am wishing you all the best!

Returning Home During Term 

If you are planning on returning home or traveling during term time you need to fill out an Authorized Absence visa is protected.?If you need to return home, epically for your mental health for family reasons I want you to know that you can. Filling out the form does not take long as is not as scary as it sounds. It is available for you if you need, and an option to make sure that if something does come up, you are not in violation of your visa.  

If you need any help with it, please contact the International Student Advisor on?

Lost BRP 

Please look after your BRPs whilst you are travelling – keep it in a safe place and make sure that you have a digital copy of it.? If you do happen to lose your BRP, please follow the steps below: 

o    Report the lost BRP?to the Home Office 

o    If you are outside of the UK, apply for?apply for a ‘replacement?BRP?visa’?– this will allow you to enter the UK once only. 

o    Once you are back in the UK, you will need to?apply for a replacement BRP

The International Student Advisor can help you with your replacement visa and BRP applications, please email? advice and support.? 

This can be a stressful and anxious situation if this happens the student support in the Student Union is here for you! Do not hesitate to reach out to them or wellbeing team.  

I also want to reassure you, though it is a serious thing, you will be okay. We will help you.  

How to Uses Buses  


There are also bus apps such as Traveline and TrawsCymru 

You can also apply for a MyTravelPass, which is free and gets you 1/3 off bus tickets if you are between the ages of 16-21. 

To as for a ticket you can say: 

“Can I have a single (or return) to the university?” 

Single means you just get the journey to the campus. A return means you are getting two tickets, on there and one back. However, if you get a return it has to be used the same day and on the same bus. 

To get off the bus, don’t forget to press the red ‘stop’ button near your seat. If you are getting a bus to campus, press the button around when you see Padarn surgery.   

You can pay by card or cash. If you have a MyTravelPass say “Can I have a single or return ticket to the University, and I have a MyTravelPass.” 

Safe Sex 

The student Union has shag week. The Student Union offers help for safe sex. Such as condoms, lube and pregnancy tests. You can also get free STI tests that are sent to your home and are confidential.  

If you need emergency contraceptive, go to your doctors and ask for emergency contraceptive for free! If you have any questions, do not feel ashamed or embarrassed the Student Union is here to help, do not be afraid to reach out.  


The University doesn’t tolerate bullying or harassment of any kind. Including race, colour, ethnic or national origin. If someone is bullying, you they are going against the University Police and you should file a complaint. This can be very challenging; I want you to know you are not alone. I have experiencing bullying and harassment myself and I want you know that you are not alone. We could approach AberSU Advice Service together. The student Union has webpage all about if you would like to look before you move any further. You can make complaints anonymously, I can’t stress enough how you are not alone and you do not deserve to be bully or harassed.  

Struggling With Money 

Get support with the cost of money. The SU has a free hub, no questions asked and no need of proof. The SU offers free house items and food. Also, you can apply to the student hardship found. Even on a student visa, you can set up a meeting with someone from the finance department, and they can offer you help.  

Volunteering & Working on a Visa 

The SU has a webpage to help with figuring out if you can volunteer on a visa. You need to get a right to work before you get a job, and this needs to be shared with your employer. If you are going to an interview, it is a good idea to bring this with you.  

You should also apply for a National Insure Number if you do not have one. This is especially helpful if you are planning on staying in the UK after your student visa. (I do want to let you know that your time in the UK on a student visa or graduate visa does not counts towards time to apply for citizenship).  

Make sure you read over you visa and understand what you are allowed to volunteer and work as. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.  

For more Advice, check out our Advice pages on the SU Website here or email our Student Advisor for a meeting at

Check out the support the University has in place for International students here.