Academic Representatives

Academic Reps are students who collect feedback and speak on behalf of their cohort to help make your university education and experience the best it can be!

Academic Reps are elected to their roles by the cohort they represent – this could be just their class or their wider department. This means that they have been chosen as the best person to take a lead on voicing student feedback to staff within their department, the wider University or the Students’ Union.

They can voice student feedback through multiple outlets, with the main being attending SSCC’s. Student Staff Consultative Committees (SSCC) are a committee made up of departmental staff and Academic Reps with the purpose of discussing and acting upon feedback. Your Rep can also work with the Faculty Officer and Academic Affairs Officer to raise feedback.

The key commitments:  

  • Taking the lead on gathering feedback from students on your course or in your department.
  • Promote your role amongst students and make it clear how they can contact you.
  • Attend three departmental Student Staff Consultative Committees (SSCCs) a year.
  • Tell students about any changes or improvements, to ensure that students know their feedback is valued and has been acted upon. 


Who is my Academic Rep? 


There are a number of ways to find out and contact your Academic Rep.

Please be aware it can take few weeks for details to be received and uploaded once elections have taken place.

If you can’t find the details of your Academic Rep, then please contact the Academic Rep Coordinator by emailing who will able to provide you with their contact details.


When should I contact my Academic Rep?


If you have any positive or negative feedback about your course including things such as assignments, teaching, facilities, exams and timetabling etc., then you can contact your Academic Rep.


You academic rep will anonymously record your feedback and raise this with the most appropriate staff member or report it at their next SSCC. If your feedback is not relating to your academic studies, then your rep can help signpost you to someone who can help within your department, Student Support or the Students’ Union.


Why should I become an Academic Rep?


We believe that the student voice matters the most and work to ensure students views, needs, and concerns shape your Department, University, and Undeb Aberystwyth! If you're passionate about the student voice and you want the best education you can get here at Aberystwyth, then this role is for you.

By becoming an Academic Rep you will:

  • Make new friends and build positive relationships with staff
  • Develop leadership and communication skills
  • Have a role outside of your academic studies which looks great on your CV
  • Gain volunteering recognition through the Aber Award
  • Help to make changes which benefit the education and experience of your course mates and future students


How can I become an Academic Rep?


Elections for our Academic Reps take place during March and October. Your Department will inform you of the Rep roles up for election and let you know when voting will take place. By-elections for vacant positions can take place throughout the year.

What training and support is provided?


All Academic Reps are invited to attend a training session once elected to the role, this training expands upon what the role is and provides you with a solid foundation to get started in your role. Training is tailored to reps depending on whether they are a beginner or a returner. 

As well as training we will regularly contact you with relevant updates, information, and opportunities relating to your role – this will include the chance to attend regional and national conferences to meet reps from other institutions.

The Academic Affairs Officer and Academic Representation Coordinator are also on hand throughout the year to organise regular catch-ups, networking opportunities, additional training opportunities, and provide ongoing support should you need it.



Academic Rep Role Profile Button

If you have any further questions about Academic Reps, please contact:

  Academic Representation Coordinator

  Academic Affairs Officer
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