The Big Meeting

The Big Meeting (Annual General Meeting) is an event we run every year to make sure that all students have a say about their activities, political standpoints and more!

Key Dates 2024-2025

Idea Deadline:  14/02/2025
The Big Meeting:




Previous Meetings:


Papers: Meeting Date


Trustee Report


04/03/2024 @ 18:00-20:00

SU Main Room 




Meeting Date:

Agenda with ideas

Aberystwyth University Students' Union Annual Accounts

Draft Minutes

20/02/2023 @ 6pm

Main Hall




Meeting Date:


Officer Report

Trustee Report


Minutes - Not Quorate

06/12/21 @ 6pm





Meeting Date:


Officer Report 

Trustee Report 


Minutes - Not Quorate

22/02/2021 @ 6pm


Who can attend?


Every registered student is automatically a member of the Students’ Union and can attend, speak and vote at the meeting. The meeting can only go ahead with 100 members present.

In the case of a physical meeting we will be signing everyone in using your AberCard as validation – so please bring yours along as proof you are a student!

In the event of an online meeting free tickets will be available via our website.

We are committed to ensuring equal access to all our students. If you have any queries relating to accessibility, or require any of the meeting documents in a specific format please let us know, email


What happens during the meeting?


  • Debate and vote on submissions from other students to improve Aber. Known as “Ideas”, and if they are voted through, they become part of our work for the next 3 years. Want to submit something yourself? Have a look here for more information.
  • Receive a full activity report from the Trustees who are responsible for governing Undeb Aberystwyth, including approving our accounts and affiliations.


What’s up for debate?


Students submit ‘Ideas’ in advance of the meeting. An Idea is what we call a submission from any student that asks Undeb Aberystwyth to:

  • Start a new activity
  • Stop or change a current activity
  • Adopt or change a stance
  • Update or change current Policy

…and much more! An idea could be anything, as long as it effects Aberystwyth Students.


What language will be spoken?


During the meeting you can choose to speak in Welsh or English!

In the case of a physical meeting simultaneous translation from Welsh to English will be available during the meeting via a conference call service so please bring along your phone.

This service will use an 03 number which costs no more than a national rate call to an 01 or 02 number and counts towards any inclusive minutes.


Where can I find out more?


More information about meetings like these can be found in our Change Aber section of the website.

From there you can find out more about which students represent you at council meetings, share Ideas to be debated, read our current policies and more.

Don’t forget our doors are always open and we’re only a message away – so please don’t be scared to get in touch if you have any questions or need support!