LGBTQ+ Student Officer

Tristan Wood (He/Him) - LGBTQ+ Students' Officer

Tristan supports LGBTQ+ student liberation in the Union.”




Responsibilities of all Volunteer Officers

  • To attend all appropriate AberSU and University meetings including Senedd Meetings and Forums.
  • To act in a professional and appropriate manner always.
  • To ensure that all decisions and actions are taken in line with the AberSU constitution and current AberSU policy.
  • To be prepared to report on the progress of the work under their remit.
  • To regularly meet and liaise with relevant Officer Trustees and staff members.
  • To attend relevant meet and greets throughout the year.
  • To attend relevant Advisory Board.
  • To attend all training relevant to their role.


Responsibilities of LGBTQ+ Officer

• Representing students who identify as LGBTQ+ on matters relevant to them.

• Co-ordinating and leading campaigns on matters relating to the needs of LGBTQ+ students.

• Acting as a source of information and point of contact for LGBTQ+ students.

• Advising AberSU on ways it can improve its work in line with the needs of LGBTQ+ students.

• Working with students, full-time officers and officers across Wales and the UK to ensure the needs of LGBTQ+ students are represented and further the aims of the LGBTQ+ Campaign


Current Priorities:

Below you can find a list of priorities Dax and Elena is working on this year as well as their current progress on them.

The LGBT+ Officers have split the role to cover more areas of liberation. They have primarily (but not entirely) split the role so one is focusing on LGBT+ Liberation and the other on Trans+ Liberation. Check out their priorities for the year here:

Supporting the *Trans+ Network (Trans+ refers to Transgender and gender non-conforming individuals)

• Organising and running events for Trans+ students to meet each other and create a safety system.

• Promote the network so Trans+ students are aware of its existence.

• Collecting feedback from Trans+ students to share with the Union on how we can better support.

Gender neutral toilets.

• Updating the list of where gender neutral toilets are on Penglais campus.

• Leasing with the Hugh Owen departments about getting a Gender-Neutral toilet.

Supporting in SHAG Week.

• Creating Opportunities for LGBT+ sexual Health.

• Working with the Union on using inclusive language.

Supporting in LGBT+ History Month.

• Organise a Pride Celebration event.

• Research this year’s theme and organise activities.

To work with other Liberation Officers on collaborative activities.

• Work with the BAME Officer on a solidarity coalition.

• Support in Disability History Month.




If you’d like to get involved or find out more email ...



Campaigns and Democracy Coordinator 

Ash Sturrock


LGBTQ+ Students' Officer

Tristan Wood