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Res.Life - Welcome Week Events
17th-30th September
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Sefyll yn Agor
18th September - 10th October
Give It a Go
23rd September - 6th October
Give It a Go is where student groups host a free session for you to try something new.
Rho Gynnig Arni
23rd September - 6th October
Grwpiau myfyrwyr yn cynnal sesiwn am ddim i chi roi cynnig ar rywbeth newydd
Elections Standing
23rd September - 8th October
Mae'r Undeb yn Cyflwyno: ASS (Cymdeithas Aber Sound System)
26th September
Undeb Aberystwyth
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Croseo Llwybrau Lles: ‘Kick the bar!’
27th September
Cyfarfod tu allan i adeilad Undeb y Myfyrwyr
Freshers Wellbeing Walk: Kick the bar
27th September
Meet outside the Students' Union building