Dydd / Daytime Events

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Fri 28th March

1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
RAG Week
24th March midnight - 30th March midnight
Wythnos RAG
24th March midnight - 30th March midnight

Sat 29th March

1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
RAG Week
24th March midnight - 30th March midnight
Wythnos RAG
24th March midnight - 30th March midnight
🥾⛰️ Moel Ysgyfarnogod (En)
7:20am - 8:30pm
Bus Station 4
This Saturday, we’ll be heading to Moel Ysgyfarnogod. This is a small mountain in central Eryri, and a constituent of the Rhinogydd range. The terrain in this area if known to be rugged, including some sections of scrambling over boulders.

Sun 30th March

1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
RAG Week
24th March midnight - 30th March midnight
Wythnos RAG
24th March midnight - 30th March midnight
🥾Strata Florida and Teifi Pools
9am - 4:30pm
Bus Station 4
Hike from Strata Florida to Teifi Pools

Mon 31st March

1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
noon - 1pm
Undeb Picturehouse

Tue 1st April

Academic Reps Leadership & Communication Workshop
1pm - 2pm
Undeb Aber Picture House
Anableddau Myfyrwyr: Nosweithiau Perfformio
5pm - 6pm
Undeb Picturehouse
Student Disabilities: Performance Night
5pm - 6pm
Undeb Picturehouse

Wed 2nd April

Cwrdd a Chyfarch myfyrwyr Anabl a Niwroamrywiol
12:30pm - 2:30pm
Undeb Main Room
Disabled & Neurodivergent student Meet and Greet
12:30pm - 2:30pm
Undeb Main Room
Dewch i Drafod
4pm - 5:30pm
Canolfan y Celfyddydau Aberystwyth Arts Centre
Dewch i gael paned a edrych ar y Beibl gyda ni bob dydd Mercher am 4pm yng Nghanolfan y Celfyddydau! Dyma le i chi fedru gofyn cwestiynau am Gristnogaeth a Pwy yw Iesu gyda chriw cyfeillgar a siaradus. Agored i unrhywun sy'n siarad/dysgu Cymraeg!

Fri 4th April

Bala Trip
4th April midnight - 6th April midnight
Llyn Tegid
Join us once again for our bi-annual trip to the beautiful Llyn Tegid/Lake Bala! Open to all club members. No experience required.

Sat 5th April

Napoleonic Drill Day
noon - 2pm
Napoleonic Drill Day

Wed 9th April

Dewch i Drafod
4pm - 5:30pm
Canolfan y Celfyddydau Aberystwyth Arts Centre
Dewch i gael paned a edrych ar y Beibl gyda ni bob dydd Mercher am 4pm yng Nghanolfan y Celfyddydau! Dyma le i chi fedru gofyn cwestiynau am Gristnogaeth a Pwy yw Iesu gyda chriw cyfeillgar a siaradus. Agored i unrhywun sy'n siarad/dysgu Cymraeg!

Sat 3rd May

Aber 7's
3rd May 8am - 4th May 6pm

Sun 4th May

Aber 7's
3rd May 8am - 4th May 6pm

Wed 7th May

Undeb Aber yn Dathlu - Chwaraeon a Chymdeithasau
6pm - 10pm
Prif Ystafell yr Undeb
short desc?

Thu 8th May

Undeb Aber yn Dathlu - Addysgu, Dysgu a'r Profiad Myfyrwyr
6pm - 10pm
Prif Ystafell yr Undeb
short desc?

Mon 12th May

RAG Week
12th May midnight - 18th May midnight
Wythnos RAG
12th May midnight - 18th May midnight

Tue 13th May

Wythnos RAG
12th May midnight - 18th May midnight

Wed 14th May

Wythnos RAG
12th May midnight - 18th May midnight

Thu 15th May

Wythnos RAG
12th May midnight - 18th May midnight

Fri 16th May

Wythnos RAG
12th May midnight - 18th May midnight

Sat 17th May

Wythnos RAG
12th May midnight - 18th May midnight

Sun 18th May

Wythnos RAG
12th May midnight - 18th May midnight

Sat 31st May

Hockey 7s
9am - 2pm
3G Astro
Come join Aberystwyth's Best Hockey event! Prepare for a Saturday of Sun, Fun and of course Hockey! With two leagues, beginner and experienced, anyone can take part! Don't miss out! Purchase Team entry on the Men's Hockey Product Page!

Mon 14th July

Graduation Week
14th July 8am - 18th July 8pm
Aberystwyth University
short desc?
Wythnos Graddio
14th July 8am - 18th July 8pm
Prifysgol Aberystwyth
short desc?

Tue 15th July

Graduation Week
14th July 8am - 18th July 8pm
Aberystwyth University
short desc?
Wythnos Graddio
14th July 8am - 18th July 8pm
Prifysgol Aberystwyth
short desc?
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