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View this month's events
Forthcoming Events
Mon 20th January
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Ioga Gwaredu Straen
2pm - 3pm
room 5 undebaber
short desc?
Mario Kart Meetup
2pm - 4pm
Lolfa Fach Pantycelyn
All are welcome to this Nintendo Society run event
Yoga De-stress
2pm - 3pm
room 5 undebaber
short desc?
Tue 21st January
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Wed 22nd January
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
BUCS Fixtures
10am - 8pm
Gemau BUCS
10am - 8pm
Adref / I Ffwrdd
De-stress with a doggy date
11am - 3pm
short desc?
Lleddfu straen wrth gael dêt ‘da ci
11am - 3pm
short desc?
Thu 23rd January
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Cymorth Cyntaf Brys yn y Gwaith
10am - 4pm
Undeb Aber
Emergency First Aid at Work
10am - 4pm
Undeb Aber
Fri 24th January
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Cymorth Cyntaf Brys yn y Gwaith
10am - 4pm
Emergency First Aid at Work
10am - 4pm
Screaming Droid Film Festival 2025
7pm - 10:30pm
Gallery Gwyn, Oxford Street, Aberaeron SA46 0JB
short desc?
Sat 25th January
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Aber Festival of Love
25th January 9am - 14th February 6pm
short desc?
Sun 26th January
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Mon 27th January
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Domino's Free Pizza Slice
10am - 3pm
Refreshers Fair
Domino's Sleisen Pizza Am Ddim
10am - 3pm
Ffair Reffreshars
Elections Standing
27th January 10am - 24th February noon
Ffair Reffreshars (Diwrnod 1)
10am - 3pm
Prif Ystafell yr Undeb
short desc?
Ffair Reffreshars (Diwrnod 1) - Awr Dawel
10am - 11am
Prif Ystafell yr Undeb
short desc?
Little Big Sale
10am - 3pm
Undeb Aber Underground
We have a whole range of second-hand homeware and kitchen ware for YOU!
Refreshers Fair (Day 1)
10am - 3pm
Undeb Main Room
short desc?
Refreshers Fair (Day 1) - Quiet Hour
10am - 11am
Undeb Main Room
short desc?
Sêl Fach Fawr
10am - 3pm
Danddaearol Undeb Aber
Mae gennym ni ystod llawn o nwyddau cartref a chegin ail I CHI I GYD!
Digwyddiad Cwrdd a Chyfarch Myfyrwyr
1pm - 2pm
Ystafell 4 yr UM
Mature Students Meet and Greet
1pm - 2pm
Undeb Room 4
Cwrdd a Chyfarch yr Annibynnol
3pm - 5pm
Ystafell 4 yr UM
Independent Meet and Greet
3pm - 5pm
Undeb Room 4
Tue 28th January
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Ffair Reffreshars (Diwrnod 2)
10am - 3pm
Prif Ystafell yr Undeb
short desc?
Ffair Reffreshars (Diwrnod 2) - Awr Dawel
10am - 11am
Prif Ystafell yr Undeb
short desc?
Refreshers Fair (Day 2)
10am - 3pm
Undeb Main Room
short desc?
Refreshers Fair (Day 2) - Quiet Hour
10am - 11am
Undeb Main Room
short desc?
Digwyddiad Cwrdd a Chyfarch Cymraeg
1pm - 3pm
Ystafell 4 yr UM
Cwrdd a Chyfarch y Menywod
5pm - 7pm
Ystafell 4 yr UM
Wed 29th January
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
BUCS Fixtures
10am - 8pm
Gemau BUCS
10am - 8pm
Adref / I Ffwrdd
Cwrdd a Chyfarch Traws ac o Rywedd Anghydffurfiol
2pm - 4pm
Prif Ystafell Undeb
Trans and GNC Meet and Greet
2pm - 4pm
Undeb Main Room
Cwrdd a Chyfarch y Myfyrwyr Rhyngwladol
5pm - 7pm
Prif Ystafell Undeb
International Meet and Greet
5pm - 7pm
Undeb Main Room
Thu 30th January
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
BAME Meet and Greet
2pm - 4pm
Undeb Picturehouse
Cwrdd a Chyfarch y CALIE
2pm - 4pm
Undeb Picturehouse
Cwrdd a Chyfarch yr Ôl-raddedigion
5pm - 7pm
Prif Ystafell Undeb
Postgraduate Meet and Greet
5pm - 7pm
Undeb Main Room
Fri 31st January
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Cwrdd a Chyfarch myfyrwyr Anabl a Niwroamrywiol
1pm - 3pm
Prif Ystafell UM
Disabled and Neurodivergent Meet and Greet
1pm - 3pm
Undeb Main Room
Cwrdd a Chyfarch LHDTC+
3pm - 5pm
Prif Ystafell UM
LGBTQ+ Meet and Greet
3pm - 5pm
Undeb Main Room
Absti-Dance 2.0
7pm - midnight
The Cellar, 25-26 Quay Street, Cardigan SA43 1HU
short desc?
Sat 1st February
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Sun 2nd February
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Mon 3rd February
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Poster Pop-Up Sale
10am - 4pm
Undeb Underground
Sêl Dillad Vintage
10am - 4pm
Prif Ystafell yr Undeb
Sêl Posteri Pop-Up
10am - 4pm
Underground yr Undeb
Vintage Clothes Sale
10am - 4pm
Undeb Main Room
Tue 4th February
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Wed 5th February
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
BUCS Fixtures
10am - 8pm
Gemau BUCS
10am - 8pm
Adref / I Ffwrdd
Inclusive Christian Gathering
5th February noon - 3rd September 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Thu 6th February
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Fri 7th February
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Sat 8th February
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Sun 9th February
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Mon 10th February
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Tue 11th February
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Wed 12th February
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
BUCS Fixtures
10am - 8pm
Gemau BUCS
10am - 8pm
Adref / I Ffwrdd
Thu 13th February
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Darganfod Lleoliadau Gwirfoddolwyr gyda Thiwtora Gweithredol
4pm - 5pm
Discover Volunteer Placements with Action Tutoring
4pm - 5pm
Fri 14th February
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
AGM - Ideas Deadline
9am - 5pm
Y CYFARFOD MAWR-- dyddiad cau syniadau
9am - 5pm
Women's Superteams
14th February 2pm - 16th February 11:59pm
Sat 15th February
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Women's Superteams
14th February 2pm - 16th February 11:59pm
Sun 16th February
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Women's Superteams
14th February 2pm - 16th February 11:59pm
Mon 17th February
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Student Volunteer Week
17th February midnight - 21st February midnight
Wythnos Gwirfoddolwyr Myfyrwyr
17th February midnight - 21st February midnight
Tue 18th February
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Student Volunteer Week
17th February midnight - 21st February midnight
Wythnos Gwirfoddolwyr Myfyrwyr
17th February midnight - 21st February midnight
Wed 19th February
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Student Volunteer Week
17th February midnight - 21st February midnight
Wythnos Gwirfoddolwyr Myfyrwyr
17th February midnight - 21st February midnight
BUCS Fixtures
10am - 8pm
Gemau BUCS
10am - 8pm
Adref / I Ffwrdd
Academic Representative Networking Event
1pm - 2:30pm
Undeb Aber Picturehouse
Digwyddiad Rhwydweithio Cynrychiolwyr Academaidd
1pm - 2:30pm
Undeb Aber Picturehouse
Thu 20th February
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Student Volunteer Week
17th February midnight - 21st February midnight
Wythnos Gwirfoddolwyr Myfyrwyr
17th February midnight - 21st February midnight
Fri 21st February
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Student Volunteer Week
17th February midnight - 21st February midnight
Wythnos Gwirfoddolwyr Myfyrwyr
17th February midnight - 21st February midnight
Men's Superteams
21st February 2pm - 23rd February 11:59pm
Sat 22nd February
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Men's Superteams
21st February 2pm - 23rd February 11:59pm
Sun 23rd February
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Men's Superteams
21st February 2pm - 23rd February 11:59pm
Mon 24th February
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Tue 25th February
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Fforwm Chwaraeon, Cymdeithas a Gwirfoddoli Fforwm
noon - 1pm
Picturehouse yr UM
Sports, Societies, and Volunteering Forum
noon - 1pm
SU Picturehouse
Wed 26th February
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
BUCS Fixtures
10am - 8pm
Gemau BUCS
10am - 8pm
Adref / I Ffwrdd
Academaidd Fforwm
noon - 1pm
Picturehouse UM
Academic Forum
noon - 1pm
SU Picturehouse
Thu 27th February
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Llesiant a Rhyddid Fforwm
noon - 1pm
Picturehouse yr UM
Wellbeing and Liberation Forum
noon - 1pm
SU Picturehouse
Fri 28th February
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Sat 1st March
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
Sun 2nd March
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
Mon 3rd March
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
Sêl Dillad Vintage
10am - 4pm
Prif Ystafell yr Undeb
Vintage Clothes Sale
10am - 4pm
Undeb Main Room
Tue 4th March
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
Wed 5th March
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
BUCS Fixtures
10am - 8pm
Gemau BUCS
10am - 8pm
Adref / I Ffwrdd
Inclusive Christian Gathering
5th March noon - 1st October 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Thu 6th March
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
Fri 7th March
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
Sat 8th March
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
Sun 9th March
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
Mon 10th March
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
6pm - 8pm
Main Room
Tue 11th March
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
Wed 12th March
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
BUCS Fixtures
10am - 8pm
Gemau BUCS
10am - 8pm
Adref / I Ffwrdd
Thu 13th March
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
Fyfyrwyr! Cyfle i gwrdd a'ch AS - Elin Jones
6pm - 7:30pm
Prif Ystafell UM
Sesiwn Holi ac Ateb gyda Elin Jones AS
Students! Meet your Senedd Rep - Elin Jones
6pm - 7:30pm
SU Main Room
A Q&A with Elin Jones MS
Fri 14th March
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
Sat 15th March
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
Sun 16th March
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
Mon 17th March
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
Elections Voting
17th March 10am - 21st March noon
17th March 10am - 21st March noon
Tue 18th March
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
Lluniau Grŵp Myfyrwyr Diwrnod 1
9am - 6pm
Prif Ystafell Undeb Aber
Student Group Photos Day 1
9am - 6pm
Undeb Aber Main Room
Wed 19th March
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
Lluniau Grŵp Myfyrwyr Diwrnod 1
9am - 6pm
Prif Ystafell Undeb Aber
Student Group Photos Day 2
9am - 6pm
Undeb Aber Main Room
BUCS Fixtures
10am - 8pm
Gemau BUCS
10am - 8pm
Adref / I Ffwrdd
Thu 20th March
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
Fri 21st March
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
Sat 22nd March
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
Sun 23rd March
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
Mon 24th March
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
UMCA Fforwm
7pm - 8pm
Yr Hen Lew Du
Tue 25th March
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
Academaidd Fforwm
6pm - 7pm
Picturehouse UM
Academic Forum
6pm - 7pm
SU Picturehouse
Wed 26th March
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
Llesiant a Rhyddid Fforwm
6pm - 7pm
Picturehouse yr UM
Wellbeing and Liberation Forum
6pm - 7pm
SU Picturehouse
Thu 27th March
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
Fforwm Chwaraeon, Cymdeithas a Gwirfoddoli Fforwm
6pm - 7pm
Picturehouse yr UM
Sports, Societies, and Volunteering Forum
6pm - 7pm
SU Picturehouse
Fri 28th March
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
Senedd - Ideas Deadline
9am - 5pm
Y Senedd - Dyddiad Cau Syniadau
9am - 5pm
Sat 29th March
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
Sun 30th March
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
Mon 31st March
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
1st March midnight - 31st March midnight
Tue 1st April
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Wed 2nd April
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Inclusive Christian Gathering
2nd April noon - 29th October 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Thu 3rd April
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Fri 4th April
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Sat 5th April
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Sun 6th April
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Mon 7th April
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Tue 8th April
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Wed 9th April
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Thu 10th April
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Fri 11th April
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Sat 12th April
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Sun 13th April
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Mon 14th April
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Tue 15th April
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Wed 16th April
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Thu 17th April
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Fri 18th April
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Sat 19th April
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Sun 20th April
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Mon 21st April
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Tue 22nd April
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Wed 23rd April
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Thu 24th April
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Fri 25th April
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Sat 26th April
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Sun 27th April
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Mon 28th April
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Tue 29th April
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Wed 30th April
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
6pm - 8pm
Y Senedd
6pm - 8pm
UM Picturehouse
Thu 1st May
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Fri 2nd May
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Sat 3rd May
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Aber 7's
3rd May 8am - 4th May 6pm
Aber7s 2024 weekend entrance *** Mynediad penwythnos Aber7s 2024
3rd May 10am - 4th May 6:30pm
Blaendolau Playing Field, Llanbadarn Fawr, Aberystwyth SY23 3TL
Sun 4th May
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Aber 7's
3rd May 8am - 4th May 6pm
Mon 5th May
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Tue 6th May
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Wed 7th May
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Canine Calming with Ceredigion Guide Dogs
11am - 3pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Ymlacio gyda cwn gyda Bydd Cwn Tywys Ceredigion
11am - 3pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Inclusive Christian Gathering
7th May noon - 3rd December 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Undeb Aber Celebrates - Teaching, Learning & Student Experience
6pm - 10pm
Undeb Main Room
short desc?
Undeb Aber yn Dathlu - Chwaraeon a Chymdeithasau
6pm - 10pm
Prif Ystafell yr Undeb
short desc?
Thu 8th May
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Undeb Aber Celebrates - Sports & Societies
6pm - 10pm
Undeb Main Room
short desc?
Undeb Aber yn Dathlu - Addysgu, Dysgu a'r Profiad Myfyrwyr
6pm - 10pm
Prif Ystafell yr Undeb
short desc?
Fri 9th May
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Sat 10th May
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Sun 11th May
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Mon 12th May
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Tue 13th May
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Wed 14th May
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Thu 15th May
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Fri 16th May
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Sat 17th May
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Sun 18th May
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Mon 19th May
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Tue 20th May
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Wed 21st May
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Thu 22nd May
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Fri 23rd May
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Sat 24th May
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Sun 25th May
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Mon 26th May
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Tue 27th May
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Wed 28th May
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Thu 29th May
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Fri 30th May
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Sat 31st May
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Sun 1st June
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Mon 2nd June
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Tue 3rd June
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Wed 4th June
Inclusive Christian Gathering .
4th December noon - 4th June 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Inclusive Christian Gathering
4th June noon - 31st December 2pm
Picture House, Undeb Aber
short desc?
Mon 14th July
Graduation Week
14th July 8am - 18th July 8pm
Aberystwyth University
short desc?
Wythnos Graddio
14th July 8am - 18th July 8pm
Prifysgol Aberystwyth
short desc?
Tue 15th July
Graduation Week
14th July 8am - 18th July 8pm
Aberystwyth University
short desc?
Wythnos Graddio
14th July 8am - 18th July 8pm
Prifysgol Aberystwyth
short desc?
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