🥾⛰️Arthog & Cregennan Lakes

We'll be heading out to the small town of Arthog, to trace a path to the iconic boat house on Cregennan Lake, gorgeous waterfalls, and plenty of history. Arthog's standing stones, the ruins of the house where the composer John Williams (no, not that one) was born, and the location of the court of Ednowain ap Bradwen are other highlights, as well as a potential nice view of the estuary if the day is clear.

The hike will be 13km, with roughly 450m of ascent. It's not a mountain, but it starts with an incline, and decent elevation is gained.

✨✨✨To sign up, head to our club webpage, and under the 'Products' tab you’ll find ‘Arthog and Cregennan Lakes’. Add that to your basket and checkout.✨✨✨https://www.abersu.co.uk/club/hikingclub/

The sign-up will be available from Wednesday, 1 pm.

Products are free, but you will pay for your own bus ticket on the day. It should cost £7.00.

If the sign-up is full, please email us to be put on a waiting list.


Starting in the small town of Arthog, we will head out of town, through a peaceful forest where we'll trace along a series of waterfalls. From there, we'll set towards several cairns and standing stones of note. Reaching an old farm road, we'll head along that for a while, passing the birthplace of one of the many composers named John Williams- the farmhouse Hafotty-fach. Turning back on ourselves briefly, we'll follow the Cambrian way, meeting with the iconic site of the boat house before walking around Ffordd Ddu, which brings us to the other side of the Lakes, circling back to where the bathrooms and parking lot by the lake are. Heading down the Cambrian way, we'll pass down the other side of the waterfalls, and back into Arthog. There's not over much in the town to pass time, but there is a small historic church with a graveyard, and, time dependent, we could walk to the river and back. 

The hike is 13 km, with 450m of ascent, and should take us no more than 5 hours to complete. We're set to get the 14:38 bus back, which should allow us to arrive in Aberystwyth by 16:30.

We will be traveling by bus. We’ll meet at bus station stop 4 at 07:20.

We will depart Aberystwyth at 07:36, and we should be back around 16:26 at the latest.


- Walking boots*
- Waterproof trousers*
- Waterproof coat
- At least 3 layers of clothing
- Hat, scarf and gloves
- At least 1L of water
- Snacks and lunch
- Suitable bag to carry everything
- Any medication you may need

*If you want to check the suitability of your footwear, or borrow equipment (e.g. waterproof trousers), please email us on hikingclub@aber.ac.uk. Please contact us at least 24 hours before the event. 

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