Fresher's Social! | Sailing Club

Join us for our first social back! Kicking off at 20:00 in Ship & Castle, this is a great chance to meet and get to know people and the town of Aberystwyth. Committee will leave from the SU stairs at 19:30 for those who want someone to walk with.


There is no theme for this social, but committee will be wearing AUSC merchandise to make it easier to find us. Club responsibility ends at 23:00 but people will stay out beyond then.


If you have any concerns or worries ahead of the social, don't hesitate to get in toch with us! We understand how daunting it can be. We look foward to meeting you all soon!


Facebook: Aberystwyth Uni Sailing Club

Instagram: @aberystwythunisailing

TikTok: @aberystwythunisailing

Club Email:


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