Holy Trinity Evensong - with the Mads!

Choral Evensong at Holy Trinity Church

You are kindly invited to join the Elizabethan Madrigal Singers at Holy Trinity Church for Choral Evensong!

Choral Evensong has a long tradition within the Anglican church. The service provides a perfect blend of music, readings and prayer.

The repertoire for Evensong is as follows:

Tye: Laudate Nomen Domini

Smith Responses

Psalm 116

Brewer in D: Magnificat and Nunc Dimitis

Wood: O thou the Central Orb

Mathias: Fanfare (Organ Voluntary)

The Evensong starts at 16:00 so please arrive promptly.

Got any questions? DM us on our Instagram or Facebook, and check out our Facebook Event here!

We look forward to seeing you there!

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Holy Trinity Evensong - with the Mads!
30th March
Holy Trinity Church, 11 Stanley Rd, Aberystwyth SY23 1LS
Join the Elizabethan Madrigal Singers for Choral Evensong at Holy Trinity Church!