Why You Should Volunteer

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I studied a master’s degree in Statistics for Computational Biology at Aberystwyth University from 2021-2022. It was the most memorable year of my life. While getting used to the country, culture, and lifestyle, I tried to get involved in a lot of activities. These activities became short-term goals and helped me to view life in a different way. One such activity was volunteering, which helped me discover new aspects of my personality.  

When I arrived in Aberystwyth, my initial goal was to get as settled as possible. The first weeks were for buying a sim card, opening a bank account, finding a part time job, getting used to classes and the weather etc. After all of that, I came across an advertisement for the British Red Cross in town. They needed volunteers. Having never volunteered before, I decided to give it a go. I went to the shop and talked to the manager. We decided I’d go in every two weeks. A few days later, I received a letter and a Red Cross ID card. I was a retail volunteer! This meant I was given the responsibility of sorting the donated items and putting gift tags on them.  

Since I was part of the Red Cross Society, I had access to internal job vacancies. To my surprise, there were a lot of paid opportunities available, including some in IT. I applied to a few and even interviewed for them. They were tempting, but I didn’t accept the offer due to another job commitment. 

A few months later, I went to the Oxfam bookstore in town and volunteered as the cashier. I really enjoyed this role because I could interact with everyone who visited the bookshop. This experience working with tills also helped me get a job in Starbucks. The shop manager even wrote me a recommendation letter. 

There is a park run event every Saturday in town. I once volunteered as the token person through the University SU. It was such a fun experience that I returned to volunteer next week for the same position. 

In my experience, volunteering not only gives us a sense of purpose, but it also helps in building a good CV. This can lead to a full-time position. It also helps in enhancing interpersonal skills, which really help in the long run. But, most importantly, I would recommend volunteering as a hobby because it gives a sense of fulfilment. 

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