Bayanda's 23-24 Round-up

I have thoroughly enjoyed my first term here at Undeb Aberystwyth with lots of different skills and experiences gained. From being able to sit on University council and various sub-committees to being able to represent students at NUS conferences I’ve been able to represent students on many different levels.

In this article I want to talk about 3 of my highlights from the year which I have been most proud of.

  • My first highlight was Freshers week it was amazing meeting all the new students and helping them move in where I can. I had a blast going along to freshers events set up by clubs and socs as well as hosting our own freshers event, the big fresher quiz. Its always such an exciting time and was great to experience it as an officer.
  • My second highlight was being able to save a group of PhD students £121,993.00 in fees relating to accommodations fees. This was a big win for me and the SU and felt great to fight for students.
  • My final highlight was running the first global week in 5 years. We had over 200 international students engage with different events over the week. We hosted events like a nature walk, a global fair and finished it off with a gala celebration. It was amazing to see international students engaging with SU events to show off their cultures.

I could list so many more things that ive done this year but this article might turn into a dissertation so these are just a few.

I have loved every minute of being your president and can not wait to do it all again next years.

