Elections 2024 - Ask me!

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What are elections?

The Students’ Union is first and foremost student run.

Three times a year we run elections for a huge range of roles. Each year we use democratic elections to help decide who should speak and work for you on a range of issues while you’re a student at Aberystwyth University, including Full-Time Officers and Volunteer Officers.

All registered students can stand and vote in elections for any position that is relevant to them.

What is the role of an officer?

Our five Full-time officers elected to lead your Students’ Union.

They get elected by Aber students in March and work Full-time for a year to develop the student experience & represent your interests to the University and beyond!

Each have individual duties in their respective roles which they deliver based on their own manifesto pledges.

Together they are the voice of Aberystwyth students and are collectively responsible for promoting and defending the rights of students, campaigning on issues, promoting involvement in the Union and coordinating student forums and groups.


As a Full-time Officer, you will also be an officer trustee and sit on the Board of Trustees as well as taking various seats in University management committees to speak on behalf of students to those groups. All elected officers will be provided with training, support and guidance to carry out the role and make their objectives a reality.

Find out more about SU officers here.

Roles Available:

  • Welsh Culture & UMCA President
  • Academic Affairs Officer
  • Student Opportunities Officer
  • SU President
  • Wellbeing Officer
  • 15 Volunteer Officer Roles
  • Academic Representative Roles
  • Committee Roles

You’ve got until 12pm 19th February to stand!
