Get to know me: President 2023

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Name & Role: Bayanda Vundamina – Union President (ei/fe)

Short introduction: Hello, I’m Bayanda my pronouns are He/Him and I studied Biochemistry. During my time at Aberystwyth I’ve been involved with American football and the African Caribbean society. I was also the Black, Asian and Minority ethnic office prior to this role.

Tell us an interesting or random fact about yourself: I was born in Botswana and moved here when I was 2

Choose three words that best describe you: Charasmatic, Relentless, Driven

It’s your last meal on earth…what’s on the menu? & which 3 celebrity would you invite for food?: Full English Breakfast with Lewis Hamilton, Bukayo Saka and Nelson Mandela

What are your hobbies or interests?: I enjoy everything sports from Football to synchronized swimming.

Why did you choose to stand for this role?: I chose to stand for this role because I extremely enjoyed my time making change as a volunteer officer and felt that I could make more change if chose to stand for president.

What are you most looking forward to this year?: Being able to work on some of my campaigns as well as truly being the student voice

What are some of the causes you care about?: My main causes I care about is creating a anti-racist Aberystwyth through education as well as exploring new ways to acquire funding for a sports clubs and societies.

What is your favourite Aberystwyth hangout?: My favourite hangout is probably Bar 46 especially on Sundays watching the American football.

If you could be an animal what would you be and why?:  I would probably be Kudu because they have cool horns and are just cool

Do you have any out there traditions or strange superstitions?:  I always use the same cubicle in the toilets and will wait for it to be free even if I can use a different one.

What one thing do you think everyone should do/try at least once in their lifetime? (give a personal example if you want): 

Step 1. Skyscanner every country from your nearest airport and sort by cheapest.

Step 2. Fly to the cheapest country with 0 plan and hope for the best.

You are on your way to work on a Monday morning…what song comes on as your soundtrack?: Belter – Gerry Cinnamon

Name a favourite place you have visited and why: Definitely Botswana as its always so fun seeing my family and going on safari.



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