Get to know me: Welsh Culture Officer & UMCA President 2023

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Short introduction: S’mai! I’m Elain (she/her)  and I am the Welsh Culture Officer and UMCA President for the next academic year! I’m originally from Menai Bridge, Anglesey but ventured to Aberystwyth University in 2020 to study Welsh. This year is an especially exciting one from UMCA as we’re celebrating 50 so I’m looking forward to begin planning the celebrations.

Tell us an interesting or random fact about yourself: In 2015, I sang in a choir on Britain’s Got Talent and we came 3rd!

Choose three words that best describe you: Enthusiastic, Hard-working, Happy

It’s your last meal on earth…what’s on the menu? & which 3 celebrity would you invite for food?: Chinese takeway from Chan’s in Felinheli with Manon Steffan Ros, Mererid Hopwood, and Tara Bethan.

What are your hobbies or interests?: Singing and acting. Sports (netball, football, rugby, Paddle boarding). Reading and creative writing.

Why did you choose to stand for this role?: First of all, I’m extremely passionate about the Welsh language, and the right to receive education through the medium of Welsh, so applying for the role of the Welsh Culture Officer was a natural step in my opinion. I’m also extremely grateful for all the experiences I have had through being an UMCA member over the past three years, so I hope to give the same valuable experiences to UMCA members this year.

What are you most looking forward to this year?: The inter-colleague dance! For a weekend in November every year we welcome Welsh Societies from every Welsh University for a dance in the Union with live Welsh music!

What are some of the causes you care about?: 

  • Ensuring that Welsh is visible within the Union.
  • Develop the provision of Welsh Language modules.
  • Organising a slew of exciting events for UMCA members throughout the year.
  • Attract more learners to UMCA events, like Swn.

What is your favourite Aberystwyth hangout?: Yr Hen Lew Du of course!

If you could be an animal what would you be and why?:  If I were an animal, I would be a horse. I’ve been doing horse riding since I was about 6, and the idea of running wildly in fields appeals to me!

What one thing do you think everyone should do/try at least once in their lifetime? (give a personal example if you want): Easy answer – visiting the National Eisteddfod! That is the highlight of my year, every year!

You are on your way to work on a Monday morning…what song comes on as your soundtrack?: Pen y Byd - Bwncath

Name a favourite place you have visited and why: When I return to the North, I love going through Llanberis with my family a friends, there’s something special about the place.



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