Spotlight on Student Volunteers: Freddie Yeates

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Spotlight on Student Volunteers: Freddie Yeates


What Volunteering Roles do you have? Or have most enjoyed?

I am an Academic Representative for Year 1 Geography in the Department of Geography and Earth Sciences.


Why do you volunteer?

I love being able to make a difference for a large cohort, and make their voices heard at a higher level and help alleviate problems they see within their courses.


What is your best feel good moment as a volunteer?

I was able to get a timetable corrected, due to 1 day a week having 5 lectures in a day, 2 of which were 2 hours long. I was also able to correct the issue of lecturers starting early, directly improving how students felt about their lectures.


What benefits have you gained as a volunteer?

I have been able to help the people around me. And, I attend Rep only events during termtime.


What volunteering roles are you looking forward to?

I am looking forward to applying for Undergraduate Faculty Officer next year for FELS to make an even more pronounced improvement for students, and make sure I can make student life as best it can be!


Undeb Aberystwyth Volunteering

If you are looking to volunteer during your time here in Aberystwyth, then you’ve come to the right place! Whether it’s regularly volunteering in the community, a one-off action day or a student project; there are no shortage of opportunities for you to choose from.

The type of volunteering and the amount of time you give up outside of your studies is completely up to you. But you’re also not restricted to just one volunteering opportunity. The more you do, the more benefits you will gain!

Find out more:



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