Spotlight on Student Volunteers: Ren Feldbruegge

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Spotlight on Student Volunteers: Ren Feldbruegge


What Volunteering Roles do you have? Or have most enjoyed?

I am currently involved in two volunteering roles, the Head Project Leader at the Free Little Library, and the International Student Officer. They are current roles, and I have really enjoyed them. If had to pick a favourite between the two I would have to say International student officer as I feel as though I am able to accomplish more within helping with student life.


Why do you volunteer?

I started looking into volunteering halfway through my second year (I am currently a third year) as I think I was having an extensional crisis. I felt like I didn’t have a purpose within my day-to-day life, along with no interaction within the community. I ran for the international role as I really struggled being an international student and struggled to find support and felt though it was a position in which I could help others, so they don't go through what I went through.

I then started the free little library because I really wanted to start one but didn't know how to go about creating one. I reached out to the student Union and found out I would be able to create a student volunteer project. I am very glad I did as I am a huge believer in fair access (should be free) to education and literature. As Uni cause students to need to read and buy a lot of books I am glad I am able to help students obtain some course material for free along with maybe help students read for their own pleasure.


What is your best feel good moment as a volunteer?

Oooo, best feel-good moment? I think most of my ‘feel-good moments’ is because they cause me to feel as though I am a good person hahah. So I would have to say from the international student officer role. During the week prior and welcome week, I helped Rosa and Renata (international office) with a lot of events. I sat on the Welcome Ceremony panel which was an amazing moment, and I think during those two weeks it was really nice to try and help international students settle into Aber, and give my insight.


What benefits have you gained as a volunteer?

I have gained a lot of experience through volunteering; I would say the main one which is very transferable is having me being in a leadership position. Within my work experiences I have yet to be in a management level, and to be able to have that position through volunteering roles allows me to incorporate that to my career (and CV) while looking for graduate jobs.


What volunteering roles are you looking forward to?

Hmmm, I will say I am not looking at many volunteer roles at the moment within the Uni as I am a third year. The national library of Wales has volunteering positions open (to work there you need to speak Welsh but not to volunteer) which is something I would like to do in the future. Also Literacy Pirates has literacy support volunteers or volunteer crew mates in which you join an online teacher-led after school session to help children (in London) from 9-13 develop their reading and writing skill.

Actually, going to drop the link here because it sounds really cool:

I am a creativity writing major who had undiagnosed dyslexia along with other learning disabilities until recently and all while I was growing up I really struggled with my linguistics skills and I was told a lot that I was just ‘lazy’ or ‘stupid’ and beside my parents I didn’t have anyone telling me I’m doing a good job within my work, which caused school to be a challenge for me along with negatively affecting my confidence regarding my abilities. And in the future (once I graduate) I am planning on volunteer at Literacy Pirates as I went to help those who have gone through my similar struggles and hopefully impact their lives in a positive way.

I think as a whole volunteering helps establish for myself to have a good relationship within a community but also makes me feel that my life has purpose, that I am causing good change within the world.


Undeb Aberystwyth Volunteering

If you are looking to volunteer during your time here in Aberystwyth, then you’ve come to the right place! Whether it’s regularly volunteering in the community, a one-off action day or a student project; there are no shortage of opportunities for you to choose from.

The type of volunteering and the amount of time you give up outside of your studies is completely up to you. But you’re also not restricted to just one volunteering opportunity. The more you do, the more benefits you will gain!

Find out more:



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