Spring By-Election Results 2022

We’re pleased to announce the results of the Spring By-Elections!

academic repsElectionrepsSpring By-elections
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We’re pleased to announce the results of the Spring By-Elections.

Thank you to everyone who stood and congratulations to all of you that were elected! Position where Re-Open Nomination (RON) were elected will be shared with the relevant Departments and re-elected in October.

A full breakdown of voting is available on request by emailing union.elections@aber.ac.uk


Autumn By-Elections

At the start of the 22-23 academic year we will be holding our Autumn By-Elections. This will be your opportunity to run for any of the remailing Academic Rep and Volunteer Officer roles. Also available will be all our Postgraduate Academic Rep roles, alongside rep roles covering foundation and first years.

Keep an eye on our social media and our elections page for more information in the new academic year!

For club and soc committee election results please see here


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Ysgol Fusnes Aberystwyth | Aberystwyth Business School

Cynrychiolydd Busnes a Rheolaeth Blwyddyn 2
Year 2 Business and Management Representative

1. Caleb Green
2. Re-Open Nominations

Cynrychiolydd Cyfrifeg Blwyddyn 3
Year 3 Accounting Representative
1. Bridget Stroh
Cynrychiolydd Economeg Blwyddyn 3
Year 3 Economics Representative
1. Andrew Slaven


Adran Cyfrifiadureg | Department of Computer Science

Cynrychiolydd Blwyddyn mewn Diwydiant Cyfrifiadureg
Comp Sci Year in Industry Representative

1. Cerys Lewis
Cynrychiolydd Cyfrifiadureg Blwyddyn 2
Year 2 Comp Sci Representative

1. Jaden Clive Pinto
2. Michael Stamp
3. Vacant
4. Vacant
5. Vacant

Cynrychiolydd BIT Blwyddyn 3
Year 3 BIT Representative
1. Lewis Jones
Cynrychiolydd Cyfrifiadureg Blwyddyn 3
Year 3 Comp Sci Representative

1. Joseph Metcalfe
2. Re-Open Nominations
3. Vacant
4. Vacant
5. Vacant


Yr Adran Saesneg ac Ysgrifennu Creadigol | Department of English and Creative Writing

Cynrychiolydd Llenyddiaeth Saesneg Blwyddyn 3
Year 3 English Literature Representative
1. Anna Simpkins
Cynrychiolydd Llenyddiaeth Saesneg ar Ysgrifennu Creadigol Blwyddyn 2
Year 3 English Literature and Creative Writing Representative
1. Jess Evans
Cynrychiolydd Cyd Anrhydedd Blwyddyn 3 (SYC)
Year 3 Joint Honours Representative (ECW)
1. Caitlin Foley


Adran Daearyddiaeth a Gwyddorau Daear | Department of Geography and Earth Sciences

Cynrychiolydd Gwyddorau Amgylcheddol y Byd Blwyddyn 3
Year 3 Environmental Earth Science Representative
1. Hayden Eldridge


Adran Hanes a Hanes Cymru | Department of History and Welsh History

Cynrychiolydd Cyfrwng Cymraeg Blwyddyn 3 Hanes & Hanes Cymru
History and Welsh History Year 3 Welsh Medium Representative
1. Re-Open Nominations
Cynrychiolydd Hanes Blwyddyn 3
Year 3 History Representative
1. Chelsea Scott
2. Tristan Wood


Adran Gwleidyddiaeth Ryngwladol | Department of International Politics

Cynrychiolydd Gwleidyddiaeth Ryngwladol Blwyddyn 2
Year 2 International Politics Representative
1. Ben Smith
2. Vacant


Adran Y Gyfraith a Throseddeg | Department of Law and Criminology

Cynrychiolydd LLB Blwyddyn 2
Year 2 LLB Representative

1. Innseon Cha
2. Vacant

Cynrychiolydd Troseddeg Blwyddyn 3
Year 3 Criminology Representative

1. Beata Ganigovska
2. Vacant

Cynrychiolydd LLB Blwyddyn 3
Year 3 LLB Representative
1. Catherine Jones
2. Jordan Roberts


Adran Mathemateg | Department of Mathematics

Cynrychiolydd Mathemateg Blwyddyn 2
Year 2 Maths Representative
1. Erin Lawrence
2. Vacant
Cynrychiolydd Mathemateg Blwyddyn 3
Year 3 Maths Representative
1. Hannah Louise Cooper
2. Trys Hooper
Cynrychiolydd Mathemateg Blwyddyn 4
Year 4 Maths Representative
1. Kaitlin Ashton


Adran Ffiseg | Department of Physics

Cynrychiolydd Ffiseg Blwyddyn 2
Year 2 Physics Representative
1. Kate Thomas
2. Marcus Hall
3. Terry Hand
Cynrychiolydd Ffiseg Blwyddyn 3
Year 3 Physics Representative
1. Harry Marsh
2. Zoe Hayne
3. Vacant
Cynrychiolydd Ffiseg Blwyddyn 4
Year 4 Physics Representative
1. Toluwalase Agoro


Adran Seicoleg | Department of Psychology

Cynrychiolydd Seicoleg a Chynghori Blwyddyn 3
Year 3 Psychology and Counselling Representative
1. Luzie Volckers


Adran Astudiaethau Theatr, Ffilm Theledu | Department of Theatre, Film and Television

Cynrychiolydd Astudiaethau Ffilm a Theledu Blwyddyn 3
Year 3 Film and Television Studies Representative
1. Lucy Thomas
Cynrychiolydd Astudiaethau Cyfryngau a Chyfathrebu Blwyddyn 3
Year 3 Media and Communication Studies Representative
1. Owain Roberts



Cynrychiolydd Bioleg Blwyddyn 2
Year 2 Biology Representative
1. Millie Warren
2. Harriet Goodchild
Cynrychiolydd Gwyddor Filfeddygol Blwyddyn 2
Year 2 Veterinary Science Representative
1. Steph Robinson
Cynrychiolydd Bioleg Blwyddyn 3
Year 3 Biology Representative

1. Kitty McCann
2. Vacant


Ysgol Celf | School of Art

Cynrychiolydd Hanes Celf Blwydden 2
Year 2 Art History Representative
1. Jasmine Banning
Cynrychiolydd Hanes Celf Blwydden 3
Year 3 Art History Representative
1. Eva Liss
Cynrychiolydd Celfydydd Gain Blwyddyn 3
Year 3 Fine Art Representative
1. Nina Modelski


Ysgol Addysg | School of Education

Cynrychiolydd Astudiaethau Plentyndod Blwyddyn 2
Year 2 Childhood Studies Representative
1. Jessica Terry
2. Vacant
Cynrychiolydd Addysg Blwyddyn 2
Year 2 Education Representative
1. Andrew Hayden Clancy
Cynrychiolydd Astudiaethau Plentyndod Blwyddyn 3
Year 3 Childhood Studies Representative
1. Liberty Firmstone
2. Vacant

