Team registration for SUPERTEAMS 2024 is almost here! Entry opens 9am on 8th December.
This infamous AberSU event is well known for its super quick sell outs. Here’s our ‘Top Tips’ for successful Superteams entry -
1. Preparation:
a. Choose your team name (inappropriate names will be rejected)
b. Get ALL required details from your 10 interested members*
c. Decide which event you will DROP and JOKER*
d. Have your £250 entry fee ready to go on your card as upfront payment is required
2. On the day:
a. Have several members prepared to win a team; don’t just count on one person
b. Buddy up with other prospective teams – due to teams having several members trying at the same time to gain a spot, often teams secure more than one spot and therefore if they don’t need it themselves, may be willing to give that up to you to take instead (and vice-versa)
c. Go somewhere with a secure and speedy internet connection, e.g. campus
d. Have up on the screen ready, and continually refresh the page from 08:59
e. If you are unable to obtain a team straight away; don’t give up hope and keep refreshing. Team spaces aren’t secured instantly, they are held in baskets until they’ve been paid for – every year we have spaces come available later in the day from teams not checking out in time / letting the product slip from their basket!
f. Keep all fingers and toes crossed and hope for the best!!
g. If you’re lucky to be successful… Be prepared for a wild ride come February!
*All required details, drop and joker information can be found on our website