What to do during freshers week

#HeloAber Freshers week is a much anticipated time in the academic calendar and many people put pressure on themselves to make it the best week of the whole year. It’s important to sit back and realise it can be a big deal but it’s important not to overwhelm yourself. We have put together a list of things you should do during freshers week that you might not think of. Take what is most important to you and don’t put pressure on yourself to do everything on this list, not everything will ap

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Freshers week is a much anticipated time in the academic calendar and many people put pressure on themselves to make it the best week of the whole year. It’s important to sit back and realise it can be a big deal but it’s important not to overwhelm yourself.


We have put together a list of things you should do during freshers week that you might not think of. Take what is most important to you and don’t put pressure on yourself to do everything on this list, not everything will appeal to everyone.


Day time events

Head over to our events webpage!  https://www.abersu.co.uk/ents/

Night-time events










Get your tickets here: https://www.abersu.co.uk/ents/


Miscellaneous things to do

  • If you’re going to unpack one thing, unpack your laundry basket so all your dirty laundry is kept in one place
  • Explore campus and get used to your surroundings, it’s also a good shout to make a trip into the town and go for a walk about. You’ll never know what you’ll find in Aber.
  • Call someone from back home or check in with someone familiar- freshers week can be overwhelming it’s important to talk to someone about how you’re getting on. there are plenty of nightlines and charities you can call if you’d prefer talking to someone anonymously
  • Introduce yourself to your flat mates – you want to know who you’re living with, it might be awkward introducing yourself to someone new sometimes it’s better off getting it done sooner or later
  • Try meet up with some course mates- settling into lectures is a lot better when you know at least one other person that’s going along as well
  • Do a shop and stock your cupboard up with staples- there’s no need to go overboard but it’s important to get all your cupboard stables in. remember the first shop you do will usually be the most expensive so think about what you’re buying rather than buying loads of stuff that you might not need right away
  • Make sure you register for your course as soon as possible. The sooner you register, the sooner your student loan should arrive in your bank account. You will have information from your department about the registration process.


Make sure you join our freshers facebook group here: http://www.facebook.com/groups/heloaber2022

and follow all our social media channels @umabersu

Check out our freshers events here: https://www.abersu.co.uk/ents/



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