Where are they now? - Jasmine Cross

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Where are they now?

Your name:

Jasmine Cross

What is your current Job/Position and where do you work?

Senior Event Coordinator - FIRST Agency for a direct client

Officer role(s) you held:


What year?


Where were you an Officer?

Aberystwyth University

What’s the best memory that you have from running for election and/or your time as an Officer?

Meeting and talking to people I had never met. Hearing opinions and concerns that I had never heard or thought of before

What do you think you learnt from running in an election and/or being an Officer?

That if you want anything (ever) you have to speak up and go for it.

What advice do you have for anyone thinking of standing for election?

Do it. It's a fabulous position to have, and you have so much potential to do so much good with it. 

How has your time as a Full time Officer impacted your career?

It's the reason I have the job I have now. When I first got a job in the events industry, my employers were so impressed with the fact that I had this position previously. It really stands out on a CV.

Five words to sum it all up?

Rewarding, educational, challenging, exciting, development



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