Where are they now? Josephine Southwell-Sander

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Where are they now?


Your name:

Josephine Southwell-Sander

What is your current Job/Position and where do you work?

Product Owner at Santander

Officer role(s) you held?

VP Education and Representation / President

What year?


Where were you an Officer?

Nottingham Trent Students Union

What’s the best memory that you have from running for election and/or your time as an Officer?

Running - Talking to students who didn't see the point in voting and changing their minds.  As an Officer- too many to mention. It was the best two years that gave me so much. No 2 days were the same!

What do you think you learnt from running in an election and/or being an Officer?

How to run an organisation; How to convey key messages (especially when condensing 26,000 students to the university); How to be clear in vision, goals and initiatives; How to make an impact with limited (or no) budget; How to create strategic change in a short space of time

What advice do you have for anyone thinking of standing for election?

Do it. Just do it. The experience of being an officer is amazing and second to none. Running and not succeeding also creates such an experience in managing a campaign and team to be an extension of you in the best way.   

How has your time as a Full time Officer impacted your career?

Greatly! Most of my experiences I have referenced in interviews were directly linked to my time as an officer.

Five words to sum it all up?

Absolutely, totally, undeniably, amazing experience!



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