We're the Cartoons and Comics society! We do showings of various cartoons and movies, of anything related to either cartoons or comics!
So come along and have some fun!
There was an idea, to bring together a group of remarkable people. No we are not talking about the Avengers, they couldn’t be here sadly. Instead, we are referring to the (arguably far more epic) Aberystwyth Cartoons and Comics Society! Aberystwyth University’s go-to place for everything related to superheroes, fandoms, cartoons, and pop culture! In this society, we are home to fans of all aspects of fandom. From comics books to superheroes on the big and small screens, from DC to Marvel, from the cartoons of our childhoods to the cartoons of today! As such, we organise a range of activities including costume themed socials such as DC and Marvel Comics themed nights, superheroes and villains, and a multitude of other socials based upon popular culture.
Additionally, we hold weekly themed screenings usually shown in the Aberystwyth Students’ Union picture house. Popular examples being the Scooby Doo screening, and the Nostalgia Night Screenings, where we show fan-favourite episodes of classic tv shows based upon your votes! As well as this, expect weekly socials with the rag tag group of nerds you'll come to call friend, trips and outtings with the society, and competitions centered around the themes of our community!
Aberystwyth Cartoon and Comic Society ensures that all members feel welcome, included, and accepted and all can have a great time geeking out over cartoons and comics regardless of age, race, ethnicity, ability, culture, nationality, sexuality, gender identity, or religion. We all love comics and cartoons! As many of our members are part of the LGBTQ+ community, you can be rest assured that you will feel accepted and welcome among us. We’re a tight-knit, close community that looks after our own within the ACCS. Hope to see you join our family of nerds!

Important links and documents:
Join our Facebook group at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/AberCC/
Follow us on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/aberccs/
Join our Discord server at: https://discord.gg/3XzH6Edp
Code of Conduct
Risk Assessment
We hope to see you soon!