Kaotica Tabletop games is a friendly and active society that deals with tabletop games such as Warhammer and Board Games.
We have 2 sessions a week:
Wednesday 12-6
Sunday 12-6
Come Along!
We have the facilities for many people to play their games and can provide gaming mats for fantasy/sci-fi games!
We also have a store of board games, such as Spirit Island and Terraforming Mars, that members are welcome to use.
Kaotica provides a space for everyone and anyone to indulge in their hobbies. We operate out of the Student Union backrooms and are always happy to meet new people and help them get into various hobbies.
We maintain a strong relationship with the Local Gaming Store Gamepark, which entitles paying members to 10% of Games Workshop products and are constantly looking to expand the benefits for our members.
Our main point of contact is our Discord server: https://discord.gg/6E8quN662Q
We also have a Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/AberKaotica/ and an Instagram account @kaotica_aberystwyth
Here are some images of what the games are like and what you can expect.

Battle for Middle Earth


Kaotica Committee 2024/25:
PRESIDENT: William Parker (wip25@aber.ac.uk)
SECRETARY: Beck Chamberlain (bec68@aber.ac.uk)
TREASURER: Finn Gilbert (fig4@aber.ac.uk)
Here is the Societies
Code of Conduct
Risk Assessment
Equipment List
Kaotica Tabletop games is dedicated to the full inclusion and acceptance of all members regardless of age, race, ethnicity, ability, culture or nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, religious affiliation, socioeconomic status and marital status.