A society looking to have deep discussions about topics that affect us every day. We work to create a safe space for questions and debates, so everyone can learn and grow.

Our Goals
We aim to be a safe space for discussion and debate. Everyone is welcome to come and talk, and each week we have new topics and learning opportunities.
What We Do
We meet once a week to have discussions. Each week has a different theme under one of four structures.
1. Structured Conversations: A set topic with a small introduction on the history of the debates and theories, with time for the group to discuss.
2. Talks: A society member or outside source talks on a topic of their choosing. Sometimes this is a University professor, lecturer, or a fellow student.
3. Tea, Cake, and Discussion: Just as it sounds, this is a laidback week for anyone to come and relax, hang out, and have more casual conversations about philosophy. Sometimes suggestions will be made beforehand for discussions, or we just let the conversation flow.
4. Book Club: At the beginning of each cycle, we choose a topic and a book or set of readings around that topic. You have the full time to complete the readings, and then we hold a discussion on the topic, the readings, and how we all feel about them.
Meetings are held in the SU at 6 p.m. every Wednesday. The rooms vary depending on the week and topic. Our social media, along with society Teams and WhatsApp chats will notify members of the locations.
Committee Members
President: Nora Mischek
Welsh officer: Ffion King
Secretary: Alaw Hughes
Treasurer: Shabab Ahmad
Well-being officer: Landon Roberts
Keep In Touch!
Instagram - @aberphilosophy Facebook - AberPhilosophy Email - philosophysoc@aber.ac.uk
We at the Philosophy Society are dedicated to the inclusion and acceptance of all members regardless of age, race, ethnicity, ability, culture, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religious affiliation, socio-economic status and marital status. Discrimination of any kind is not tolerated within our society.
Core Documents: Constitution l Code of Conduct l Equipment List | Risk Assessments - Tea / Food / Debate / Talk / Book