Phyte Club





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Academic Society of the year, 2024! 

Thank you all for voting for Phyte Club to win academic society of the year.
From our president Kate, Vice president Rhys, secretary Nicola, treasurer Jasper, social sec. Moli, welsh sec. Tess, and social media sec. Gray.

We have all worked hard this year to build Phyte Club to be a successful society and we have made many friends along the way.

We will look forward to next year's academic term with our new committee members, James, Nicola, Yaseen and Rebecca.
We have plenty in store for you. Hope to see you in the glasshouses for our regular Wednesday and Friday meets!


We as an established society hope to create a fun community for plant lovers, gardeners, life science students or anyone with an interest in nature to learn about and discuss - you guessed it, plants!  All while sharing our horticultural tips and tricks, working on botanical projects, preparing our members for events such as the Botanical University Challenge and hosting exciting plant-related trips and activities such as to the National Botanic Gardens of Wales.

All of our committee members here hope to foster communication between local students who share botanical interest. As well as this, we want to provide both learning and networking opportunities by planning educational days-out and connecting our members to Aberystwyth University staff members, who work in fields such as Plant Science. One of our primary projects is working in the campus glasshouses each week! Usually on Wednesdays and Fridays :) Not only have we been allocated space for small growing projects such as this, but in the future, we have plans to revitalize botany and let people grow projects to bring home with them!

Although we are just finding our footing as a society, we are so excited to get started! Feel free to contact us for any questions, and check our social media! :)

Core Documents: Constitution l Code of Conduct l Risk Assessment l Equipment List

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