Fire Safety
Instructions concerning procedure in the case of fire are prominently displayed at strategic points around AberSU. Staff should familiarise themselves with these procedures and also with the escape routes in all other areas of the University that they visit.
On hearing the fire alarm staff will direct any students and visitors to the nearest exits. The University Duty Attendant is in charge of implementing the Students’ Union’s emergency evacuation procedures and may issue instructions to and request assistance from other members of staff.
Fire Evacuation On Discovering a Fire
- Raise the alarm by breaking the glass on the nearest Fire Alarm Call point.
- Call Security from a safe location on 01970 622649 (24/7) and, if you feel it necessary, call 999. Anyone can do this – don’t presume that someone else has - you won’t be criticised for doing so.
- Leave by the nearest available exit and go to the nearest assembly point.
On Hearing a Fire Alarm
- Only stop to take personal belongings with you if it is absolutely safe to do so and does not hinder your evacuation.
- If visitors and students are present, encourage them to leave also.
- Evacuate the building by your nearest available exit and proceed to the assembly point (outside on the concourse).
- Do not use the lift - If the power fails you will be trapped!
- Staff should ensure that tills and areas where there are cash or goods at hand are locked prior to leaving the building.
- University Security will be responsible for sweeping the buildings.
- Staff must obey instructions from the University Security as required and on no account should you leave the assembly point or re-enter the building until Security staff have given such clearance.
- Staff should liaise with Security to ensure that they re-enter the building first, before students and visitors. Where necessary and appropriately cited, staff will be trained in the use of fire extinguishers, in the event that they have no means of escape.