

TîmAber (or Team Aber) is Undeb Aberystwyth's community of Sports Clubs, Societies and Volunteering Projects.

Here in Aberystwyth we have over 45 Sports Clubs, 80 Societies, and 5 Volunteering Projects offering you endless opportunities to get involved. Whether you want to get competitive or just have fun, becoming part of the Team Aber community can make your student experience an unforgettable one!

To be a member of our Sports Clubs or Societies you will first need to purchase our Team Aber Insurance. Find out more information by clicking “Join Team Aber” below!



Join Tîm Aber

To be a member of our Sports Clubs or Societies, you will first need to purchase our Team Aber Insurance.
This is a one-off annual fee of £6, which gives each student personal accident insurance for any Undeb Aber activity. Once you've paid this, you're able to take part in as many clubs and societies as you want. Find your Team Aber community by going to our list of Sports Clubs and Societies.
Each Club/Society set their own membership fee. Some groups are free to join, others may ask you to pay a fee to cover certain costs. Please see individual Club/Society pages for more details on their membership options. 

Team Aber Insurance|Yswiriant Tîm Aber

Ref: M10004900

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Price: £6.00
The insurance provides all students with personal cover for any SU-related activity. Once you have this, you can take part in the activities of as many clubs and societies as you like.|Mae’r yswiriant yn darparu pob myfyriwr ag yswiriant personol ar gyfer unrhyw weithgaredd sy’n ymwneud â’r UM. Unwaith y bydd hwn gennych chi, gallwch gymryd rhan yng ngweithgareddau faint fynnwch chi o glybiau a chymdeithasau.

Non-Student Insurance


This insurance provides non-students with personal accident insurance. Please note: our policy cover is designed for students so may not be adequate for non-students in employment.

Full details of what the policy covers can be found here

Alternatively, you're welcome to obtain your own personal accident insurance and send proof to union@aber.ac.uk

Non-Student Insurance|Yswiriant Dim yn Myfyriwr

Ref: M10030720

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Price: £12.00

Mae’r yswiriant hwn yn rhoi yswiriant damweiniau personol i’r rheini nad ydynt yn fyfyrwyr. Noder: mae ein polisi gwarantu ar gyfer myfyrwyr, felly efallai na fydd yn ddigonol ar gyfer y rheini nad ydynt yn fyfyrwyr ac sydd mewn cyflogaeth. 

Ceir yma manylion llawn ar yr hyn mae’r polisi yn ei warantu:

Os oes gennych chi unrhyw gwestiynau o ran y polisi a’r hyn mae’n ei warantu, cysylltwch ag undeb@aber.ac.uk


This insurance provides non-students with personal accident insurance. Please note: our policy cover is designed for students so may not be adequate for non-students in employment.

Full details of what the policy covers can be found here: https://www.abersu.co.uk/teamaber/resourcehub/

Any questions about your coverage please email union@aber.ac.uk