
If you are looking to volunteer during your time here in Aberystwyth, then you’ve come to the right place! Whether it’s regularly volunteering in the community, a one-off action day or a student project, there are no shortage of opportunities for you to choose from.

Undeb Aber defines student volunteers as anyone who freely gives up their time in an unpaid role to help others (such as students, and the community), a good cause, and/or the environment. As a volunteer you can really make a difference, and that warm, gooey feeling of satisfaction, knowing you have helped someone or something is hard to beat!

The type of volunteering and the amount of time you give up outside of your studies is completely up to you. But you’re also not restricted to just one volunteering opportunity. The more you do, the more benefits you will gain!


Reasons for Volunteering

Not only can volunteering be rewarding and make a difference, but it can also be a fantastic opportunity for personal development outside of your studies.

Here’s our top 5 reasons to volunteer:

  1. Make a difference to something that’s important to you 
  2. Gain or develop skills, knowledge, experience
  3. Try something different or do something you’ve never done before
  4. Enhance your CV and employability
  5. Gain accreditation or recognition (Aber Award)

Need help?

  Volunteering Coordinator
Tom Morrissey
  Student Opportunities Officer
Tiff McWilliams