Trustee Board


Undeb Aberystwyth is governed and strategically led by the Board of Trustees.  They are ultimately responsible for making sure that we operate in line with our charitable objectives. Undeb Aberystwyth Trustee Board is made up of 12 members and meets at least four times a year to carry out its business on behalf of you. You can read the minutes for each meeting at the bottom of this page.  The Board is made up of:

5 Full Time Officer Trustees

2 Student Trustees

5 External Trustees

Officer Trustees:

Your Officer Trustees are the 5 elected officers who act as your key student representative and carry out specific roles and responsibilities on a day to day basis.  They are elected annually and are paid employees who can undertake this role by either taking a year out of study or upon completion of their studies. 

Bayanda Vundamina (Chair of the Trustee Board)

Elain Gwynedd

Tiffany McWilliams

Emily (Mo) Morgan

Will Parker

Student Trustees:

Your Student Trustees are elected students who take on this role on a voluntary basis and can serve up to two years.

vacant - Undergraduate Trustee

Andra Jones - Postgraduate Trustee 

External Trustees:

Ryan Beasley

Alan Roberts

Debra Croft

Jon Allsopp

Daniel Fow

Minutes of Trustee Board

If there is a case where matters discussed are of a confidential nature, e.g. staffing, such matters will be recorded as a closed minute within the published minutes below:

2023/24 Academic Year

7 November 2023

29 Feburary 2024

25 April 2024

13 June 2024

2022/23 Academic Year

21 September 2022

27 January 2023

20 April 2023

15 June 2023

2021/22 Academic Year

18 November 2021

23 February 2022

19 May 2022

16 June 2022

2020/21 Academic Year

20 November 2020

5 February 2021

23 April 2021

21 June 2021

Undeb Aberystwyth Annual Accounts

Click here to access our financial statements on the Charity Commission website