Student Drug and Alcohol Awareness

Trigger Warning: This page has mention of drug use. If you would not like to look at this content we would advice against looking at this page.

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"Our Drug and Alcohol campaign aims to take a harm reduction approach to use of substances. Everyone assumes all university students drink till they’re drunk and take drugs because they’re living independently so they can, when this isn’t the case. We were looking to promote safer drinking, knowing your limits and tying it into our work on anti-spiking; recognising dangerous or destructive behaviours and seeking support. We took our efforts to the streets of Aber on a society night to give out anti-spiking kits and information about DDAS, who we worked with on this. DDAS it was a good opportunity to let students know that if they were seeking support that Dyfed Drug and Alcohol Service are on our campus once to twice a week, holding drop-in sessions to guide students and the community in our harm-reduction approach.”      - Helen Cooper (Wellbeing Officer 2023-2024)

Students should always be allowed to enjoy themselves on nights out and should always feel safe.

At the Union no one will ever be forced or pressured to drink alcohol. We hold many events that are alcohol free.

What is Student Drug & Alcohol Awareness Week?

It’s a week to encourage awareness and discussions of student substance use and wellbeing! We will be encouraging the conversation about drugs and alcohol during your time at university, giving you tips and how to get support.

In 2023 the SU partners with local services Dyfed Powys Drug and Alcohol Services (DDAS) who had a stall in the union, educating about drug and alcohol misuse as well as providing anti-spiking kits.

During Drug and Alcohol Awareness week the Union held a stall in town alongside DDAS, providing information, anti-spiking kits, condoms, and lube, as well as some sweets.

Check out DDAS here.


Photo Gallery (2023-2024) 


If you would like to be more involved in this work please reach out to

Want to find out more about these campaigns?


Ash Sturrock 

Campaigns and Democracy Coordinator  / 

Emily (Mo) Morgan
